
In this project with Javascript consist in a Leaderboard list app, where are using webpack and ES6 features, notably modules.

MIT License


Table of Contents

**Leaderboard - Jose RM.

Built With

Tech Stack

Key Features

  • [Webpack Implementation]
  • [Css Loaders]
  • [Live server implementation]

Live Demo

  • [Live Demo Link] [(https://joramot.github.io/Leaderboard_JoseRM/dist/)]

Getting Started

To get a local copy up and running, follow these steps.


In order to run this project you need:

Clone the repository using git, and open it with visual studio code.


Clone this repository to your desired folder:

cd "your-folder" git clone [https://github.com/joramot/Leaderboard_JoseRM.git]

git clone [[email protected]:https://github.com/joramot/Leaderboard_JoseRM.git]


To open the project, use yout prefered explorer and open the index.html file


You can deploy this project using visual studio code and Figma.


** Jose RM **

Future Features

  • Sort the scores from max to min and reverse.
  • Add player alias column.
  • add score awards column


Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the [issues page] (https://github.com/joramot/Leaderboard_JoseRM/issues)

Show your support

If you like this project you can contact the author througt the above meddia links or by email to [email protected]


I would like to thank Microverse and all the persons that got in touch with me while we were working on this project.


  • Is it difficult?

    • If you have knowledge about github basic commands, installing npm extension in visual studio code, figma, HTML and CSS it is easier, in other way, it can be little complicated


This project is MIT licensed.

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