
We love all Apis however the Golden rule is: Never trust a Partner when he swears that he will be cautious with your api credentials

MIT License



A Job that looking for API credential leaks across different platforms (ex: github). We love all Apis however the Golden rule is: Never trust a Partner when he swears that he will be cautious with your api credentials


As your are allowing anyone to reuse your api, you MUST be concerned about the credentials that you share with people and potential leaks on platform like github or gitlab, etcc.... This project is a simple way to check if any of our crendential has been leaked on some platform and notify you.

This project can help you but please consider to use the Token scanning service for a more preventive security



  • github accessToken
  • gitlab accessToken (TODO)
  • bitbucket accessToken (TODO)
  • Slack webhook url

Setup 💻

  • Set your environment variables cp .env.sample .env then edit your .env file.
  • Install dependencies using npm install or yarn.

Run 🏃

Get command documentation

./hunt -h

Tests 🔍

  • Code style
    npm run lint


If you want to run the command as a Job on Kuvernetes just run the command :

Update the configmap on the file kubernetes-definition.yml

Then run the command

$ kubectl -f kubernetes-definition.yml

Then you can chack the job by running

$ kubectl get jobs


  • Bitbucket integration
  • Gitlab integraton


MIT License