
Courseware and material for a class on JavaScript


Understanding JavaScript

Getting Started

Install Node / NPM / NVM

You will want to have node and npm installed on your machine.

From a command line, check to see if you have node with the following command:

node --version

If the returned version is > 6, you are good.

If the version is less than 6, you want to use a newer version of node.

Check to see if you have nvm installed:

command -v nvm

If the above command returns a set of instructions, you have nvm installed.

Simply run:

nvm install 7 && nvm use 7

Which will install the latest version of node and npm, and start using it in that command line client. If you'd like to use this version of node by default, run:

nvm alias default 7

If you don't currently have nvm installed, you can install it with the following command:

curl -o- https://raw.githubusercontent.com/creationix/nvm/v0.33.1/install.sh | bash

When that is done, run:

nvm install node

Install dependencies

npm install

Run the exercises

To run the tests once

npm run test

To run the tests for the exercises and do live development:

npm run watch