
My personal website built with Eleventy. It supports three languages.



This is my freelancing website, built with Eleventy, built upon the Eleventy Excellent starter. It supports three languages and uses my latest workflow.



This is my personal website. I use a lot of code fragments that smarter people than me have come up with, so it's only right to release my code open source as well. Please feel free to use parts of the code of this website in your own projects, but please don't copy the page completely, as it's not meant to be a template.

Credits and Thank yous

Andy Bell

I like working with Andy's CSS methodology CUBE, going hand in hand with the Every Layout solutions he co-authors. He has recently published an approach that incorporates Tailwind CSS into his methodology, as a creator for custom utility classes. This workflow is built into my website, and really all websites I am building since discovering it. I learned how to use Eleventy in 2020 with his (now free) course.

Heydon Pickering

Heydon is great.

Zach Leatherman

Zach is developing Eleventy, a genius!

Ryan Mulligan

Ryan came up with the scroll trigger for highlighting text, which I am shamelessly using in this website.

Oliver Schöndorfer

Oliver is a type expert. He writes the Pimp my Type Newsletter where I dscovered the font I'm using for this website.

Pablo Stanley

Pablo is the creator of the avatars of this website. His hand-drawn illustration library Open Peeps is just great.

Ekrem Elmas

I'm using Ekrems hand drawn icon set.

Stephanie Eckles

Stephanie provides a lot of resources for Eleventy and modern CSS.

Max Böck and Sia Karamalegos

I followed the tutorials from Max and Sia to implement Webmentions on this site.

Bernard Nijenhuis

The open graph images are generated automatically: First a SVG is created for every post, which is then converted to JPEG. I learned how to do that with Bernard's article.

Aleksandr Hovhannisyan

I love structure and clarity. Aleksandr does this in an exemplary way, which is why I based the structure of eleventy.js on his personal site. The 301 redirect solution I'm using is from his blog.

Adam Argyle

The theme switch is from one of his GUI Challenges.


Harry Roberts

Harry Roberts taught me a lot about how to make websites faster. The strict order of my head is something he figured out.