
Scroll made easy!

MIT License


◼️ Features:

  • 🔧 Native Scroll Behavior
  • 🛠 Standardized events / shortcuts / API
  • 🌠 Fast & Lightweight
  • 💪 No dependencies, built with VanillaJS
  • 🌎 Tested in all modern browsers
  • 🖌 Easy Customization
  • 📢 Multiple Callbacks

◼️ Demo:


◼️ Installation (Browser):

1 - Include JavaScript Source.

<script src="path/to/letmescroll.js"></script>

2 - Include Styles.

<link rel="stylesheet" href="path/to/letmescroll.css">

3 - Set HTML.

<div id="example">
 <!-- HTML CODE HERE -->

4 - Initilize.

document.addEventListener("DOMContentLoaded", function() {
    demo = new LetMeScroll({
     selector: "#example",
     config : {
           dimensions : {
               width : "auto",
               height : "500px"
           scroll : {
             bottomOffset: 0,
             autoHide: true

◼️ CDN:

You can use our CDN (provided by JSDelivr) for the JavaScript and CSS files.

// Javascript
<script src="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/BMSVieira/letmescroll.js@latest/js/letmescroll.js"></script>

// CSS
<link rel="stylesheet" href="https://cdn.jsdelivr.net/gh/BMSVieira/letmescroll.js@latest/css/letmescroll.css">

◼️ Methods:

destroy: Destroy current scrollbar and unbind all its events


build: Build new LetMeScroll


refresh: Refresh current scrollbar


scrollTo: Scroll to specific location (px)

Type Description
int Jump to specific location in the container

appendTo: Add new content to the scroll container

Name Value Description
position afterbegin or beforeend Add new items at beginning or ending of the container
items object Options to add to original selectbox
    position: "afterbegin",
    items : {
            0: {
                content: '<!-- HTML ELEMENT HERE -->'
    onComplete: function(){
        <!-- CODE HERE -->

◼️ Callbacks:

There are multiple callbacks you can use when building a new instance.

// Called when LetMeScroll is initialized
onComplete: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }
// Called when scrollbar reaches the bottom.
onEnd: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }
// Called when scrollbar reaches the top
onTop: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }
// Called everytime scrollbar moves
onMove: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }
// Called when Drag starts
onDragStart: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }
// Called when Drag Stops
onDragStop: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }

Mobile Only

// Called when Touch starts
onTouchStart: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }
// Called when Touch Stops
onTouchStop: function(){ <!-- CODE HERE --> }

◼️ API > Gets:

// Returns container DOM element (With this one, you can add new content)

// Returns scrollbar container id

// Returns trackbar container id

◼️ Styling :

Using CSS Custom Properties you can easily customize your scrollbar. Check below a list of variables and what they are used for:

Name Description Default
--lms_scrollbar_bg Scrollbar background-color #868686
--lms_scrollbar_radius Scrollbar border-radius 5px
--lms_scrollpath_bg Scrollbar path background-color transparent
--lms_scrollpath_radius Scrollbar path border-radius 5px