
React Liferay Portlet with ES2015


React Portlet Demo ES2015

A Liferay portlet that just list all users and shows how React and Spring Portlet MVC can be used to create single page HTML5 portlets.

The demonstrator consists of two parts:

  1. A Spring Portlet MVC backend that handles all AJAX requests as resource requests.
    It leverages the thymeleaf HTML5 template engine to pass the resource URL and other parameters as JavaScript variables to the frontend.
  2. An React frontend that can also be run standalone with node.js, which can greatly accelerate the development.



  • Maven build tool (should come with your favorite IDE)
  • node.js and Gulp to build and run the HTML5/JavaScript code
  • SASS to compile the Sassy CSS into CSS

Create the WAR file

Just run mvn package on the command line.


On a Liferay 6.2 Portal

Drop the generated liferay-react-portlet-*.war file in the_target_ directory into the {liferay-home}/deploy folder. Alternatively execute on the command line: mvn liferay:deploy -D<base_path_of_your_lifery_installation>


Run npm install and gulp watch in the root directory of the project. The webapp will be available on localhost:9000.