
Big Lighthouse Kiosk at Google I/O 2017


Lighthouse changing the color of Philips Hue light bulbs based on overall report score.

Get started

yarn install

If you've already installed the app and just want to pull the latest deps:

yarn upgrade

Run it

Kiosk mode

To run "kiosk mode", use:

yarn kiosk

This will start a webserver and open two browser windows to the app. One is a kiosk UI (http://localhost:8080?kiosk) that you should drag to a larger monitor and the other is where users input a URL to test Lighthouse (http://localhost:8080).

Standalone mode

To only start a webserver, use:

yarn start

Running stable Chrome

To run a different version of Chrome (e.g. Stable), specify the CHROME_PATH env variable:

CHROME_PATH="/Applications/Google Chrome" yarn start
CHROME_PATH="/Applications/Google Chrome" yarn kiosk

Setup it

Create a .hueusername in the root folder and fill it with a username registered on your Hue Bridge. Make sure there's no trailing new line in the file. If you don't have a username:

  1. press the Link Button on the Hue Bridge
  2. run the app (below). Doing so will create a "Lighthouse" user on the bridge.
node index.js <URL>
node index.js --view <URL>
node index.js --output=json --output-path=results.json <URL>

This should launch Chrome and run Lighthouse against the URL that you input.

Alternatively, have the bridge generate a random username for you by following the instructions in the Hue API doc (, and enter it into .hueusername.

Also, create a .bridgeipaddress in the root folder and fill it with the IP address of the Hue Bridge.