
Geometric Algorithmic Acrobatics

MIT License


Geometric Animations by @liquidx.

I try to regularly work on a few geometric related animations.

How it's built

It's using p5.js, but also some convoluted code-reuse patterns such as basing everything off some common grid layout and then using closures to draw a single cell, allowing transforming and customization. It's a bit of a mess at the moment and as I figure out the best way for me to iterate, I'll continue to mess around.


I export to webm using Chrome and then convert to mp4 using ffmpeg. The command is

ffmpeg -i animation.webm -crf 10 grids-20190102.mp4

Prior History

This used to be called liqudx-genart, but I wanted a new start to get into a better pace.

You can still check out to the old work on Glitch.