
Some tools to extend the javascript localStorage feature: Cross-domain storage, limit the number of elements to avoid infinite growing...

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Some tools to extend the javascript localStorage feature: Cross-domain localStorage and limit the number of elements (avoid infinite growing)

  • src/crossDomainStorage.js It allows to share values in localStorage or sessionStorage between different domains (or subdomains).

  • src/limitedStorage.js To store a given maximum number of elements in localStorage or sessionStorage (avoid infinite growing).

There are some use examples in the index.html file.


  • To see the stored values, in Chrome you can go to "F12 -> Application" and unfold the Local Storage tree.

  • You have to include the json3 library to get it working on IE8 and IE9


Cross domain storage based on: http://www.nczonline.net/blog/2010/09/07/learning-from-xauth-cross-domain-localstorage/

You need to put the crossd_iframe.html file in your server, and add your domain to the whitelist (allowed domains) var in the file.

Initialization function:

  • crossDomainStorage({origin:'', path:'', storage});
    • origin The URL where the iframe file is located. i.e: "http://www.example.com"
    • path Path to the iframe file in origin. i.e: "/path/to/iframe.html"
    • storage: Possible values are 'localStorage' and 'sessionStorage' (default 'localStorage')

It returns an object with the following functions:

  • getItem(key, callback)
    Request the value associated to the key.
    The callback function will receive two parameters: key and value.
  • setItem(key, value)
    Add or update the value associated to the key.
  • removeItem(key)
    Removes the item associated to the key.

Usage example:

//If you are testing in your local computer, you can leave the default values in
// the crossd_iframe.html file, then switch the url between "localhost" and "",
// and see in the localStorage of your browser how it works (see previous Notes).

//Once you've added your domain to the `whitelist` in the crossd_iframe.html:
var options = {
    origin: "http://www.example.com",
    path: "/path/to/iframe.html"
Storage = crossDomainStorage(options);

Storage.setItem('key', 'value');

Storage.getItem('key', function(key, value) {
  //if key was not present, value will be 'undefined'
  if (value !== 'undefined') {
    } else {
        //key not found...

If you are using jQuery (>=1.5), also you can use 'promises':

Storage = crossDomainStorage(options);
    , Storage.getItem('key2')
    [, etc...]
).done(function(response_key1, response_key2 [, etc...]){
    //response_key1 contains the value for the key1 ('undefined' if not found)
    //response_key2 contains the value for the key2 ('undefined' if not found)


Stores a given maximum number of elements in localStorage or sessionStorage. It has the same methods than the localStorage and sessionStorage objects (getItem, setItem and removeItem), so it can be used the same way, taking into account that older objecsts will be deleted when the given limit is reached.

It's a queue: if the limit is reached, then first in - first out. If a previously present item is added (with setItem(key, item) method), it will be put last in the queue again.

Initialization function:

  • limitedStorage({maxItems: 100, prefix: '', storage: 'localStorage'})
    maxItems: Max number of items to store (default value is 100)
    prefix: Variable name prefix in the storage space (default none)
    storage: Possible values are 'localStorage' and 'sessionStorage' (default 'localStorage')

It returns an object with the following functions:

  • setItem(key, value)
    value must be serializable by JSON.stringify method.
  • getItem(key)
    If key does not exists, returns null
  • removeItem(key)
    Delete the item associated with the key

Usage example:

lstorage = limitedStorage({maxItems: 20, prefix: '_test_'}); //max: 20 items

//Note that the specified number of max items (20) are smaller
//than the number of keys to store in the following loop (100):
for (var i = 0; i<=100; i++) {
    lstorage.setItem("key-"+i, {'a_tag': 'a value - '+i, 'other_tag': 'other value - '+i});

//There must be only the last 20 values
for (var i = 0; i<=100; i++) {
    value = lstorage.getItem("key-"+i);
    if (value !== null) {
        //you'll need a <div id="results"></div> in your test page...
        document.getElementById('results').innerHTML += "<br/>found: key-"+i+", value: "+JSON.stringify(value);