

lodash/fp doc generator

This project aims to generate proper docs for Lodash's functional programming flavor, aka lodash/fp. The end goal would be generate a doc similar to the official documentation. The result can be found HERE.


Lodash FP aims to combine the great functionality given by the library and the ideas of functional programming. Only, this behavior is [documented](FP Guide) in a manner unbefitting of what users are used to with the official documentation.

What changed in FP?

  • The order of arguments has been changed, in particular the data argument has been moved to the last position
  • No methods mutate the arguments
  • Some methods are curried
  • Some methods have their arguments capped, meaning some arguments have disappeared
  • Some methods with ...values have that argument now in an array

What now

Lodash's sources are generated using docdown. What it does is read the source files, extract the JSDoc comments, then generate a Markdown file. By overriding Docdown's behavior, we can change the documentation too, in the methods' signature and example:

  • change the order of arguments
  • remove now ignored arguments
  • group ...values arguments into an array argument
  • remove calls to console.log() that aim to demonstrate a value was mutated (only in example)
  • inject optional arguments that have become mandatory using their default value (only in example)

Run it

npm i
npm run doc:fp
// now open doc/fp.md!