
Out of service: consider "mr" — A package-aware asynchronous JavaScript module system

MIT License



Lode is a JavaScript application agent. It runs JavaScript packages on your local file-system or off the web, and can Bilde scripts so they can be run in web browsers.

Lode is built on Node and CommonJS designs but takes a radical approach to dependency management. Modules are linked completely asynchronously and based only on information in package configuration files and the layout conventions of packages.

Lode supports:

  • ZIP files
  • HTTP, HTTPS, local files
  • NPM packages and new Lode packages
  • CommonJS Packages, Modules, Mappings
  • Non-module resources, like HTML and JSON
  • CoffeeScript, and extensible for other module languages
  • Node and Browsers, with more platforms to come
  • An API for third-party tools like documentation
    generators, linters, testers, and build tools

Gettings Started

Using Git and Activate

$ git clone git://github.com/kriskowal/lode.git
$ cd lode
$ source bin/activate

Using Node and NPM

Install Node and NPM. The use npm to install lode. That will give you lode, lodown, and bilde executables.

$ curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
$ npm install lode

To have any fun in the tryouts section, you'll also need a copy of the test.zip, which you can find in the NPM packages directory (have fun), or just try the last example where Lode runs it directly off the web.


Then read the test package to get an idea what to expect and:

$ lode test
$ lode test.zip
$ lode https://github.com/kriskowal/lode/raw/master/test.zip

lode is an alternate executable that runs CommonJS modules in packages. The packages of modules are asynchronously loaded (from files or the web) and statically linked. lode discovers the package that contains your main module and asynchronously prepares all of the modules in that package and all of the packages that that package depends on through declarations in each package's package.json descriptor.

You can look at the static linkage of any package, including NPM packages, by running lodown:

$ lodown test.zip
    "main": ".../test.zip#/",
    "capabilities": [...]
    "packages": {...},
    "warnings": [...]

If a package conditionally depends on another package, if the information for a dependency must be computed at run-time, or if a package should be loaded later to improve the performance of the initial load, packages can be asynchronously loaded at run-time. Further information on asynchronously loading packages at run-time appears in the API documentation (below).

Within a package, lode guarantees that a module can only require other modules that are in the same package or in packages that are explicitly declared in the package.json. This prevents missing dependencies from going unnoticed.

lode supports a new package style, tentatively called Lode packages, supports CommonJS Mappings/C (with the exception of the optional "location" properties) and can also run some NPM packages, particularly NPM packages that were built with the now-deprecated "modules" mapping.


A package is a directory, optionally archived in zip format, that contains scripts, resources, and configuration. Packages can be linked to other packages through its configuration.

My First Package

Your first package, foo, will start with a CommonJS "main" module. You'll need to create this file, and note that it is your package's main module in the package configuration.


console.log("Hello, World!");


    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js"

Now you can execute main.js with Lode.

$ lode foo/main.js
Hello, World!

The Library

Your package can contain other modules. These modules must be in the lib directory of the package root. Lode discovers and statically links all of the modules in your package's lib directory so that they can be required without blocking IO. Add a foo library to your package by creating a foo/lib/foo.js module.

console.log("Hello from Foo!");

Then revise your foo/main.js to require that module from the library.


Leaving your foo/package.json alone.

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js"

And run Lode again.

$ lode foo
Hello from Foo!

Linking Packages

So far, in this package, you can only require("foo") to get the exports of foo/lib/foo.js, and require("") to get the exports of the foo/main.js module. The empty string is the module identifier for the main module in any package.

In any package, you can only require the modules that are in that package or in the packages that your package depends upon. Let's create another package, bar with a bar/package.json.

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js"

And a bar/main.js.

exports.hello = function (who) {
    console.log("Hello,", who + "!");

This package provides a main module that can say, "Hello", to anyone. Since we want to use this package in the foo package, we need to add a URL to foo/package.json.

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js",
    "mappings": {
        "bar": "../bar"

Now we can use bar in foo.


var BAR = require("bar");

Then we can run foo again with Lode.

$ lode foo
Hello, World!


The only ratified CommonJS standard way to export features is by adding properties to the exports object, as above.

exports.hello = function (who) {
    console.log("Hello, " + who + "!");

There is a CommonJS proposal for Asynchronous Module Definition that adds a define function to the scope of a module. Lode supports this feature if it is explicitly requested in a package.json.

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js",
    "supportDefine": true,
    "requireDefine": false

The define method has many forms, and the details are largely ignored by Lode (since it does not need them, although RequireJS does and you could use the same modules with that loader). Only the last argument is salient for Lode and it can be a callback.

define(function (require) {
    return {
        "hello": function (who) {
            console.log("Hello, " + who + "!");

Alternately, the last argument can be an object literal.

    "hello": function (who) {
        console.log("Hello, " + who + "!");

Lode does not presently support any other argument patterns for the callback, so if you're sharing modules with RequireJS, you'll have to use this narrow intersection for now.

NodeJS allows you to replace the module.exports object. Lode supports this (although I'm personally not a fan of the style).

module.exports = {
    "hello": function (who) {
        console.log("Hello, " + who + "!");

Lode also supports a completely non-standard style wherein you simply return the exports object.

return {
    "hello": function (who) {
        console.log("Hello, " + who + "!");

/!\ Be aware that any of these systems where you ignore the given exports object and provide a complete replacement, you cannot have cyclic dependencies. Basic CommonJS modules provide an exports object so that you can have two modules that import each-other like so:


var A = require("a")
exports.odd = function (n) {
    if (n == 1)
        return true;
    return B.even(n - 1);


var B = require("b")
exports.even = function (n) {
    if (n == 0)
        return false;
    return A.odd(n - 1);

If you were to replace the exports in both of these modules, both modules would receive the original, empty exports objects instead of the replacements.

Archiving a Package

We can also archive our packages and put them on the web. Let's put bar in a .zip file and put it in foo.

$ mkdir foo/mappings
$ find bar | xargs zip mappings/bar.zip

Then we edit foo/package.json to use the zip file instead of the directory.


    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js",
    "mappings": {
        "bar": "mappings/bar.zip"

We can then archive foo.zip and put it on the web, even on an https:// SSL URL, and run it directly with Lode.

$ lode https://example.com/foo.zip
Hello, World!

/!\ Note that using SSL alone does not make it possible to run suspicious packages from arbitrary URL's. It is also necessary to attenuate authority, rigidly isolate modules to their lexical scopes, prevent modules from eaves-dropping on globally provided constructors, and to verify the hash digest of the package in question to prevent a man-in-the-middle from usurping example.com's DNS entry and providing an alternate package. All of these requirements are in the scope of Lode's design, but none of them are yet implemented.

Using Node's API

Lode gives your package.json absolute control over what module identifiers mean in all the modules in your package. In the same sense that it is possible to trace all of the free variables in a lexically scoped module, it is possible to trace all module identifiers to package.json. With other systems, your package would share its module identifier name-space with all other installed packages. The drawback to Lode's approach is that the package.json must be very explicit. The advantage is that you can determine easily, through analysis of all package.json files for all of the packages linked in a working set, whether a package will be usable in a variety of environments. If a package depends on Node's file system API, that must be noted in a package.json, thus we can easily determine that the package will not work in a browser.

Let's implement Node's example "Hello, World!" server, hello/main.js.

var HTTP = require('node/http');
HTTP.createServer(function (req, res) {
    res.writeHead(200, {'Content-Type': 'text/plain'});
    res.end('Hello World\n');
}).listen(8124, "");
console.log('Server running at');

To make this possible, we will need to bring Node's API's into our package's module name space. Instead of depending on another package by URL, we'll add a dependency to a capability of the running engine, in this case Node at version 0.4, in hello/package.json:

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.js",
    "mappings": {
        "node": {"capability": "[email protected]"}

Now we can run the server:

$ lode hello
Server running at

Node's process free-variable is available with the main module of the Node capability.

var process = require("node");

Using Installed NPM Packages

All package dependencies in Lode boil down to a single URL eventually. NPM packages express their dependencies as mappings from a name to a version predicate (albeith simply a single, specific version), and the name is both used to lookup the package in the NPM registry and to give the package a local name, like a mapping.

Lode translates NPM packages internally by changing the dependencies object into a mappings object. It does this by finding the URL of the oldest version that satisfies the predicate from among the installed packages (the oldest is the least likely to break; if there's a bug, this encourages the package maintainers to advance the minimum version of its dependencies, or for users to uninstall the broken version and provide a newer one).

An NPM package might have a package.json like:

    "dependencies": {
        "foo": ">=0.0.1"

This would get translated to a mapping with the search criteria and the source, the "npm" pseudo-registry. (registry is reserved for the URL of a package registry, or calalog for the URL of a JSON package catalog, but these are not yet implemented).

    "mappings": {
        "foo": {
            "name": "foo",
            "version": ">=0.0.1",
            "registry": "npm"

And eventually solved down to a URL like so:

    "mappings": {
        "foo": "/usr/local/lib/node/.npm/foo/0.0.2/package"

NPM packages also implicitly include the Node API, precluding them from use in the browser.

    "includes": [
        {"capability": "[email protected]"}
    "dependencies": {
        "foo": ">=0.0.2"

To disable the implicit features provided by NPM and to make a package browser-compatible by default, just opt-into Lode in the package configuration. The NPM dependencies will still be assimilated.

    "lode": true,
    "dependencies": {
        "foo": ">=0.0.2"

Using CoffeeScript

There are several ways you can write your package.json to add support for compiling .coffee files to JavaScript at link time.

You can install it with NPM and use the pseudo-registry "npm" to grab it from whereever it was installed (Lode will find it, using .npmrc if necessary).

$ npm install coffee-script

Then add a link to package.json:

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.coffee",
    "languages": {
        ".coffee": "[email protected]@npm"

You can use NPM's version predicates if you want.

Or you can just download it and put it somewhere near your package.

    "lode": true,
    "main": "main.coffee",
    "languages": {
        ".coffee": "languages/coffee.zip"

From there, any script with a .coffee extension, either the main.coffee or in lib, will get implicitly compiled.

console.log "Hello, Coffee!"

Then run it:

$ lode main.coffee


Packages can contain "resources" like HTML fragments, templates, and such. These resources are brought into memory at load-time, so they contribute to the initial overhead of a package, but they are available without needing asynchronous IO once the package is executing.

Resources must be explicitly mentioned in a package's configuration and the package must provide a capability to access the resources from modules. Resources are only available within the package or included packages, so the resources of mapped packages are not available directly.

To make the resource capability available, use a mapping in a package.json, and note the files or directories that contain resources:

    "lode": true,
    "mappings": {
        "resources": {"capability": "package@0"}
    "resources": [

Supposing that this package, foo, contains a foo/data/hello.txt file, that can be accessed now using the resources module from any module in the foo package.

var RESOURCES = require("resources");
var hello = RESOURCES.read("data/hello.txt", "utf-8");

Composing Packages with Includes

Lode packages can be composed with other packages using "includes". If you're familiar with how Narwhal's "dependencies" array works, "includes" should be a natural transition. A package that uses an "includes" array gets statically layered with all of the included packages. To coin the Mathematical jargon, a package is composed of a set of layers from the transitive closure of the root package and every included package's "includes". The layering order is determined by a topological sort with the following rules:

  • every package is layered above its includes
  • of each array of includes, the layering order is preserved
    from low to high.
  • cyclic includes are errors.

/!\ Inclusion is a very tight coupling and requires coordination among all of the included packages. If loose coupling is desired, "mappings" are a far superior alternative and much more resistant to changes in the structure of dependency packages.

Let's contrive a simple example, the "foo" and "bar" packages. Instead of using a mapping to depend on "bar", we'll include "bar" in "foo", using foo/package.json.

    "lode": true,
    "includes": [

Suppose that "foo" has foo/lib/foo.js and "bar" has bar/lib/bar.js. The resulting foo package, using its includes has both foo and bar modules and the entire contents of both packages are available from either module, including resources.

var FOO = require("foo"); // foo/lib/foo.js
var BAR = require("bar"); // bar/lib/bar.js

Furthermore, if "foo" has a foo/lib/bar.js, it will override the bar module from "bar". The bar module from the "bar" package will not be available and will not be loaded, read, or included in the "foo" package.

var FOO = require("foo"); // foo/lib/foo.js
var BAR = require("bar"); // foo/lib/bar.js

Use Case: Theme Packages

Resources get layered and can override as well. This makes "theme" packages possible. Suppose that the bar package uses a resource, template/index.html. It can expose that resource in bar/package.json, as well as the mapping for the resource introspection capability.

    "lode": true,
    "mappings": {
        "resources": {"capability": "package@0"}
    "resources": [

foo package can include the bar package so it can use template/index.html and the resources mapping itself. Here's foo/package.json

    "lode": true,
    "includes": [

Then, from a module in foo, it can use bar's resource.

var RESOURCES = require("resources");
RESOURCES.read("template/index.html", "utf-8");

Suppose that bar provides template/index.html and template/base.html. The index uses the base template for a look-and-feel. If foo wants to use foo's template/index.html but wants to use a theme, baz, for the template/base.html file, it can mix that in too, below itself, but in a layer above bar. This can be managed by injecting baz in the includes array.

    "lode": true,
    "includes": [

Now, in any of these packages, templates/index.html will come from bar and templates/base.html will come from baz.

var RESOURCES = require("resources");
RESOURCES.read("template/base.html", "utf-8");
RESOURCES.read("template/index.html", "utf-8");

There are many potential applications for package inclusion beyond themes. For example, they can also be used to create packages that merely inherit and provide alternate configuration, or provide configuration to "abstract" packages, packages that depend on resources or libraries that are mixed in from a depending package.

Lode Packages

A Lode package supports multiple kinds of inter-package dependency and each package can be composed from several layered directory trees ("roots") depending on several conditions, like whether the package is being used in development or production, and whether the package is being used in a web page, browser extension, or server-side JavaScript embedding.


A package can contain several roots. Which roots are incorporated depends on the loader options. For example, a package can be configured for use in web browsers with provisions for debugging. If so, a package may provide alternate modules by providing roots at debug, engines/browser, and engines/browser/debug. For example, a UUID package would use system-specific bindings on the server-side to achieve the highest levels of entropy, and would use an implementation based on Math.random on the client-side. These overrides are particularly useful since the server-side code would be dead-weight on the client-side. The most specific roots have the highest precedence.

The module name-space of a package is populated from several sources: the modules contained in its own roots, "mappings", and "includes". In order of precedence, they are "mappings", own modules, and "includes". All relative module identifiers are computed relative to the module name-space, not the file-system name-space from which they are derrived, so a relative module identifier can traverse into mappings and includes.

Mappings are packages that are included on a sub-tree of the module identifier space, as configured in the package's package.json. So, if a package is mapped to foo in the module name space, require("foo") would import its main module and require("foo/bar") would import the bar module from the foo package.

Includes are packages that are linked in priority-order under the package's root name space. These can be used to provide additional roots to a package, much like engine-specific roots or debug-specific roots. Includes are not merely a syntactic convenience: they are useful for mixing packages like themes in applications. Because included packages can intercept and override each-other's public name spaces, they are more tightly coupled than mappings and should be developed in tighter coordination.

Within Lode packages, the require.paths variable specified as optional by the CommonJS/Packages/1.0 specification, does not exist. The set of modules available within a package cannot be manipulated at run-time.


A package's "main" module may be specified with the "main" property in package.json, as a path relative to the package root, including the file's extension.

    "main": "foo.js"

The package may provide "includes" and "mappings" properties. "includes" must be an array of dependencies and "mappings" must be an object that maps module subtrees to dependencies.

    "main": "foo.js",
    "includes": [
    "mappings": {
        "bar": "mappings/bar",
        "resources": {"capability": "resources"}

There are presently three styles of dependency: inter-package dependency, capability dependency, and system dependency. All dependencies can be expressed with an object with various properties, but inter-package dependencies can be simple URL strings.

Inter-package Dependency

A package dependency has an href URL property that refers to another package by its URL relative to the current package. Since URL's are a strict super-set of Unix paths, a relative path will suffice for the href if the other package is on the same file system (including file systems inside archives). Dependency packages can be simple directories if they are on the same file system, or can be zip files either on the same file system or on the web. If a package is on the web, both "http" and "https" (for SSL) protocols are supported.

A package dependency may also have a hash property with the first 40 hexidecimal characters of the SHA-256 hash of the package's modules and resources, digested in sorted order respectively from their byte buffers. These hashes are intended to be eventually used to verify that the version of a dependency matches the expected version, as a cache key so packages can be retrieved from a cache of compiled packages, and as a URL for versioned packages hosted from CDN's.

Package dependencies will also eventually support an additional property that will permit Lode to alternately fetch a package from the web or use a local copy in a specified relative location. This will be useful for development and publishing new packages.

Capability Dependency

A capability dependency has a capability property with the name of a capability provided by the host system. Capabilities must be explicitly injected by the container to give a package permission to use authority-bearing API's like access to a file-system or browser chrome. They're also useful for bringing in packages that can't otherwise be optained by downloading another package.

For example, the "package@0" capability brings in the package introspection capability, that gives a package access to its own bundled resources.


    "main": "main.js",
    "resources": [
    "mappings": {
        "self": {"capability": "package@0"}


var self = require("self");
var config = self.read("package.json", "utf-8");

This is useful for including templates and similar resources. All resources are loaded asynchronously before execution, so take care to only include as many as you are willing to pay at load-time. The resource tree is constructed by overlaying the resource trees of included packages, so, for example, packages can mix and match resources for themes. If a resource overrides a resource from another package, the overridden resource will not be read, so it won't contribute to the load-time of the package.

Another capability that a package can request in Lode on the server-side is access to Node's internal API's. The capability property of the dependency must note that it requires the [email protected] API and add this as a mapping to package configuration.

    "mappings": {
        "node": {"capability": "[email protected]"}

A package can also opt to "include" the Node API's in its own module name-space. This is what Lode does internally when loading packages that were designed for NPM, in addition to translating the NPM "dependencies" array into "mappings" to the locally installed NPM packages.

    "includes": [
        {"capability": "[email protected]"}

It is my intent to create more and finer-grain capabilities, and an API and perhaps a user-interface for mediating capabilities for suspicious packages.

There is not yet any mechanism for white-listing capabilities that a package is (and its dependencies are) permitted to use, but you can get a summary of the capabilities that a package requires by reading the linkage information for that package.

$ lodown <url>
    "href": ...,
    "capabilities": [
        "[email protected]"

System Dependency

A system dependency has a system property with the name of a module provided by the host system. System dependencies are a stop-gap that allows Lode to use code that has been installed into Node's require.paths with other systems until it is able to load most packages on its own, and until all packages that have to be installed on the local system can be exposed to packages through capabilities instead.

    "mappings": {
        "system": "coffee-script"

Lode does not attempt to install system dependencies, so if they are not available, they will cause run-time errors.

Alternate Languages

A package can specify another package as the provider of a compiler for alternate source-code languages. The compiler package must provide a main module with a compile(text) function that returns JavaScript. Compilers are prioritized and selected based off of the existence of a file with a matching extension.

    "languages": {
        ".coffee": "languages/coffee-script"

This gets translated internally into an array of language records, each with an extension property and another property describing how to handle the language, in this case, using the bundled CoffeeScript compiler package. The default handler, if none is provided, is the standard JavaScript module loader. It may eventually be possible to bundle a package with an interpreter dependency.

    "languages": [
            "extension": ".coffee",
            "compiler": "languages/coffee-script"

If a single package root provides multiple files for which there are matching language extensions, the package linkage will contain a warning in its warnings property indicating that there were multiple candidates for the given module identifier, and which one was elected based on the priority order of the languages.

Since a compiler can produce JavaScript before a working-set executes and is not necessary during the execution of a package, compilers are not incorporated into the linkage of a package. This means that compiler packages are not included in package bundles or package bundle dependencies, so they don't need to be loaded by a browser.

In the future, interpreter may be provided as an alternative to compiler, in which case a package will be bundled with the source code for the module as a resource and the interpreter package will be included in the working-set as a dependency, so it can be executed either on the client or the server.


Presently, the package.json of a Lode package must explicitly note that it is a Lode package.

    "lode": true

If a package is intended to be used by other package-management systems; like NPM, Teleport, and Jetpack; Lode supports the CommonJS/Packages overlays property, where package-system-specific properties can be provided.

    "overlays": {
        "lode": {
        "teleport": {

If a package provides an overlay for Lode, the package does not need a root-level lode property; Lode infers it.

/!\ NPM 0.3 dropped support for the overlays property, which means that, if a package is intended to be used with NPM, it must provide its configuration at the root and all other package management systems must use the overlays property to override NPM-specific properties. This also means that, should any other package managers drop support for overlays, they will be mutually incompatible.

Configuring Composition

By default, all modules in a package are publically linked. The set of public module identifiers can be restricted by providing a "public" array of top-level module identifiers in the package configuration.

    "public": ["foo", "bar", "baz"]

Compatibility Switches

A package may opt-in to support the RequireJS define boilerplate in modules.

    "lode": true,
    "supportDefine": true

With this option enabled, modules will have a define free variable. The define function takes a callback as its last argument that in turn accepts require, exports, and module. All other arguments to define are ignored, and the callback is called. If the callback returns an object, that object replaces the module's given exports object.

define(id?, deps?, function (require, exports, module) {
    return exports;

For example:

define(function (require) {
    return {"a": 10, "b": 20};

Or, the literal declaration notation:

    "a": 10,
    "b": 20

A package may opt-in to make the define wrapper mandatory, in which case failing to call define will cause a module factory to throw an error.

    "requireDefine": true

Lode Modules

Lode modules have the following free variables:


The public API of the module, which can be augmented or replaced. You can replace a module's exports by returning an alternate object.

Assigning to module.exports is a Node-specific extension to the CommonJS specification. To embrace existing code, this practice is presently tolerated in Lode modules, but may eventually be restricted to a legacy loader for NPM-style packages.


Returns a module given a relative or top-level module identifier. A relative module identifier is prefixed with a "./" or a "../". Module identifiers may use "." and ".." terms to traverse the module name space like file system directories, but ".." above the top of the module name space ("") is not defined and may throw an error.


The module meta-data object contains information about the module itself. This may include its id, path, directory, url, or a subset thereof depending on where it comes from. The module object is only guaranteed to have an id


If a package is loaded with the lode executable, or if it is loaded using the internal API and executed with pkg.require.exec(id, scope_opt), require.main is set to the module object corresponding to that call. By convention, you can check whether the module you are presently in is the main module like:

if (require.main === module)

The Node-specific __filename and __dirname free variables do not appear in Lode packages. Also, Lode does not respect the Node convention that a foo/index.js file gets linked to the module identifier foo in place of foo.js.


  • autonomous: a property of some module systems where a
    module, package, or name-space provides its own name and
    thus is tightly coupled to that name both internally and
    to other modules, packages, or name-spaces. CommonJS
    modules are not autonomous. RequireJS permits modules to
    be optionally autonomous, by way of the define call, so
    that they can be bundled. The Simple Modules strawman for
    ECMAScript Harmony allows modules to be autonomous within
    a file, but the top scope of a loaded module must be named
    in the loading module, so both concepts are supported.
  • bundle: a JavaScript file that can be downloaded and
    executed by a web browser using script-injection to
    asynchronously load one or more modules or packages of
    modules. Lode does not presently provide a bundling
    feature, but it is in the design.
  • catalog: a file on the web that describes a set of
    packages. Using a catalog reference in a package
    configuration provides a level of indirection and permits
    a package to be loosely coupled to its dependencies,
    allowing the catalog to be updated independently of the
  • compile: to transform a module in a source language, like
    CoffeeScript, and produce JavaScript.
  • context: a JavaScript execution context is a container in
    which a JavaScript event-loop can be executed,
    guaranteeing that the array and object literal
    constructors produce instances with the same particular
    constructors, and providing the same primordial references
    and global scope to all events.
  • cross-domain: in a web browser, a URL that has a different
    domain than the containing page. Web browsers impose
    restrictions on JavaScript's ability to interact with
    cross-domain resources (as in limiting the ability to use
    an XMLHttpRequest), and for an iframe's ability to
    interact with the containing frame's JavaScript
  • define: a function name used by RequireJS and some
    CommonJS proposals to permit a hand-written module to be
    loaded with script-injection. define() boilerplate,
    where the last argument is a callback that receives
    require, exports, and module as arguments, is
    accepted by Lode to encourage interoperability with code
    targetting RequireJS, but the dependency array and
    optional module identifier arguments are ignored.
  • dependencies: particuarly package dependencies, including
    mappings, includes, and eventually alternate module loader
    packages. In a package configuration, dependencies are
    uniformly represented by the right-hand side of a
    mappings item, and the contents of an includes array.
  • engine: A JavaScript embedding like NodeJS ("node"),
    Rhino ("rhino"), an arbitrary web browser ("browser"),
    or a particular web browser. Engines provide different
    classes of functionality so packages can be provided
    alternate modules for different engines.
  • entry-point: the first module executed in an instance of a
    working-set of packages and modules. The entry-point is
    determined by the id in pkg.require.exec(id).
  • exports: the public API of a module, represented as a
    free-variable in a module, or returned by a module.
  • extension: the part of a file-name after the last dot,
    ".", that is presently the only mechanism for
    communicating to a loader whether and how a module file
    should be loaded or compiled.
  • factory: a function that executes a module. Module
    factories are called by a module loader on the first
    occasion a module is required. Having a factory permits a
    module to be executed or instantiated independently of
  • free variable: a variable that is not bound in a lexical
    scope and presumed to be inherited from a parent scope,
    like the primordials, and other variables injected into
    modules like require and exports.
  • identifier: a string that corresponds to a module in the
    module-name space of a package. Identifiers are
    lower-case names using hyphens to delimit words, organized
    into subtrees with slash, "/", delimiters. Identifiers
    are either top-level or relative depending on whether or
    not they begin with one of "./" or `"../".
  • include: a type of dependency that gets "mixed-in" with
    the module name space of the containing package.
  • library: a directory called "lib" by convention in any
    of a package's roots containing modules and directories of
    modules that get inducted into the top-level module
    name-space of a package.
  • link: a module identifier in one package that corresponds
    to a module identifier in a dependency package.
  • load: as distinct from execution, loading asynchronously
    provides a module factory to a loader, sometimes for a
    single module, sometimes as part of a bundle of modules or
    packages. Only when all of the modules and packages in a
    working-set have been loaded can any module in that
    working set be executed because a require call in any
    module must be able to return the exports of the requested
    module in the same turn of the event-loop.
  • loader options: an object that configures a module loader
    to use particular roots in each of the loaded packages,
    for example, for debug mode in a browser, or for
    deployment in Node. Different options result in different
    modules being used if a package provides alternate
    versions of modules.
  • loader: a device that asynchronously loads packages and
    modules, permitting them to eventually be synchronously
  • main (package configuration): in the context of a
    particular package, the main module is identified by "".
    Whether a package has a main module and what file
    corresponds to the main module identifier is the "main"
    property of the package's configuration.
  • main (require): In the context of executing a package, the
    "main" module is the entry-point for the execution of a
    working-set of packages and modules. In the scope of any
    module, require.main is the module object in the scope
    of the main module.
  • mapping: a kind of dependency where the top-level module
    name-space of an external package gets integrated into a
    sub-tree of the dependent package's name-space.
  • module: a file that has its own, sovereign lexical scope
    and may require and provide exports from and to other
    modules using the require and exports free variables,
    and the return statement. A module receives a module
    free variable with meta-data like the module's identifier.
  • name-space: the module identifier name-space is a set of
    top-level identifiers scoped to a package, where some
    identifiers are linked to modules within the package, and
    others to dependency packages.
  • package configuration: the package.json of a package,
    containing its configuration information, particularly how
    it should be linked to other packages and described to
    package registries and catalogs.
  • package: a directory or archive of a directory with a
    package configuration file at its root (package.json),
    various roots, libraries within roots, and modules within
  • primordial: any of the objects intrinsic to a context like
    the global object and Object and Array constructors.
  • public: the set of top-level module identifiers from one
    package that are linked to a dependent package either
    through mappings or includes. By default, all modules in
    a package, including their includes and mappings, are
    publically linked, but the list of publically linked
    identifiers can be restricted with the public property
    in the package configuration.
  • registry: a web service for searching, downloading, and
    posting packages.
  • relative: a class of module identifier that begins with
    "./" or "../" indicating that the corresponding module
    should be resolved relative to the current module's
    top-level identifier.
  • require: a function provided as a free-variable to
    CommonJS modules that permits the module to acquire the
    exports of another module.
  • root: the top-most directory of a package is the root,
    but there may be others depending on the loader options,
    for example, including the {root}/engines/{engine}
    directory of any other root and configured engine name
    like node or browser, and the {root}/debug directory
    of any other root if a loader is configured for debugging.
    Roots are prioritized from most to least specific and
    searched for resources, particularly but not limited to
    library directories where modules are found.
  • script-injection: a technique for asynchronously
    downloading and executing potentially cross-domain
    JavaScript in a web browser.
  • SES5: secure ECMAScript 5 is a subset of ECMAScript 5 (a
    specification for the class of languages including
    JavaScript) where all of the primordials are immutable (by
    virtue of being frozen) and other invariants are
    maintained to prevent the lexical scope and primordials in
    any event from being suberted by another event, and to
    permit mutually suspicious programs to run in the same
    event loop without interference except possibly
  • sovereign: pertaining to a lexical-scope, means that a
    module is not coupled to other modules using a shared
    lexical scope, and thus is safe from contamination and
    pollution of other modules. CommonJS modules have
    sovereignty over their lexical scope. Pertaining to the
    module identifier-name space, means that a package is not
    implicitly coupled to other packages, using a shared
    package name-space, and thus is safe from contamination
    and polution of other packages. Lode packages have
    sovereignty over their module name-space, but may elect to
    be coupled to specific packages through includes and
    mappings. Node packages do not have sovereignty; they are
    subject to the module identifier name-spaces provided to
    them by Node and other packages. NPM makes an effort to
    guarantee consistent linkage to dependencies, but does not
    provide sovereignty. Narwhal packages do not have
    sovereignty; they are subject to the module identifier
    name spaces of all installed packages.
  • top-level: as distinguished from "relative", a top-level
    module identifier is one that does not start with a "./"
    or a "../", indicating that a module is linked relative
    to the root of the module name-space, "".
  • turn: the execution of an event in JavaScript. The
    JavaScript event-loop arranges for events to be execute
    din turns, with only one stack of execution at any time.
  • working set: given a package, the transitive closure of
    all packages that any package in the set depends upon.
    Given a module, the transitive closure of all modules that
    any module in the set requires. Because require must be
    able to return an exports object in the same turn, and
    if loading must be asynchronous, the working set of
    CommonJS modules must be loaded before any module in the
    working set is executed or instantiated. Lode is an
    asynchronous module loader, and for Lode, the working set
    of modules is guaranteed to be a subset of the working set
    of packages, so it is not necessary to browse the source
    of each module to determine its static dependencies.


At the time of this writing (early 2011), the CommonJS community has spent a considerable amount of discussion on how best to move forward with CommonJS modules for better interoperability with browsers. It is clear that some boilerplate is needed for modules to be efficiently loaded in modern browsers. It is also clear that a module's dependencies need to be known before require is called in a module.

There are several schools of thought at the moment, but in general we are divided between a simple wrapping of current CommonJS modules for modules destined for the browser, and those who favor using RequireJS.

One of the many issues between these two approaches is how to discover static dependencies. For those who favor a simple wrapping of CommonJS modules, the current best option for discovering static dependencies is static analysis, scraping the source code of a module for require calls. This is fraught with difficulty.

Instead, Lode imposes strong constraints on what modules are available within a package by enforcing the linkage described in package.json and affording many good options for both internal and external linkage. In the presence of these constraints, the working set of any module in a package is a strict subset of the working set of the containing package. In the Node ecosystem, packages are very light, usually providing a single module for its public API. By configuring the loader to incorporate module roots based on the target environment, it is possible for Lode to construct lighter packages. Given that packages are light, it makes sense to take the small risk of bundling packages with modules that may never be executed, and designing packages around these constraints for use in browsers.


Lode is a humble beginning to an ambitious ecosystem of projects.

Dependencies will be expressible in package.json with an object that notes various kinds of information depending on the degree and kind of coupling that the package author intends.

  • A version control repository URL might be provided so it
    can be downloaded for editing. If a "path" is also
    provided, lode will have the option of placing the
    package at that path so it may be edited in place.
    Without the "path", lode would have the option of
    downloading it and running it in memory.
  • Alternately, levels of indirection between the dependency
    and the archival download URL might be introduced using a
    catalog or registry URL, a package name, and a version,
    version range, version predicate, or semantic version.

It will be possible to use lode to build a stand-alone executable for a package.

It will be possible for packages to be hosted or bundled for use in web browsers, for either development or deployment. It is my hope to leverage Gozala's Teleport package for this purpose, and to use Q-JSGI and Q-HTTP as at least an option for the server. I also hope to leverage of Joe Walker's Dry Ice, through which I've discovered UglifyJS's JavaScript API which I would also like to take advantage of.

It will be possible to configure a package so that all of the modules in that package receive particular free variables from a package, like Node's "process" and "console" free variables. These must be decoupled from the global object so they do not leak ambient authority to sandboxed code in the same context.

It will be possible for a package to elect that it be run in a secure subset of JavaScript, SES5, where all of the primordials are frozen and capabilities must be explicitly injected into sandboxed packages. Other packages will be able to note that they are able to run in SES5.

Packages will be able to explicitly declare in package.json which modules in their module-name space should be statically linked by mappings and includes. Whether this will be mandatory remains undecided.

The loader API will provide a means to get the JavaScript content and other resources in a working set of packages, so additional tools can be built to provide alternate deployment systems.

I will probably need help with this.


There have been many experiments in package management, in general, in JavaScript, and in CommonJS. NPM for Node by Isaac Schlueter, Nodules by Kris Zyp, and my own Tusk for Narwhal are some of those experiments. They all are variations on the CommonJS/Packages/1.0 specification. The specification does not provide insight into how modules in packages are linked because there is still a lot of room for experimentation.

NPM takes the approach that the package manager should interact with the engine (Node) solely by manipulating the file system. As a stopgap, it also provides shims that push and pop paths on the require.paths so that each package gets a different view of the module name-space. About this, I believe that the only disagreement among members of the Node community is whether the hack is egregious or merely tolerable.

Narwhal and Tusk are decoupled slightly differently. Narwhal performs a search for installed packages when it starts. Tusk, like NPM, only fiddles with the filesystem. However, Narwhal conflates the module name spaces of all installed packages and has to find all of the installed packages before running. Lode only looks at packages that are used by the package that contains the main module, and while the conflated name space is useful, it provides the mappings approach as a safer coupling system, limits the cost of searching for included packages by scoping them to individual packages, and limits the risk of module name-space conflation by only linking explicitly included packages instead of all installed packages.

NPM favors an approach to package management more similar in spirit to "mappings" and Narwhal favors one more conducive to "includes". Kris Zyp's Nodules is written exactly to the CommonJS Mappings specification. Lode provides both since they both have their limitations.


Copyright 2009, 2010 Kristopher Michael Kowal MIT License (enclosed)