
Send links that automatically log in the user with OTPs (one-time passwords)

MIT License


Meteor package for sending links that automatically log in the user.

Add this package to your Meteor app with: meteor add loren:login-links

The main use case is sending an email or sms to your user with a link to your app that contains an OTP (one-time password)* that automatically logs them in (so they don't have to enter their username/password or do OAuth):

Josh Owens just commented on your blog post:

* Note that despite the name, in this package, OTPs can be used multiple times, up until their expiry.


Basic usage

  1. Generate an access token.
  2. Put it in a secure HTTPS URL and send it to the user via email, sms, etc.
  3. When the user clicks the link, get the token from the URL and use it to log the user in.

On server

const token = LoginLinks.generateAccessToken(user);

  text: 'Click this: https://myapp.com/autologin/' + token,

You could also use the token for all of your emails to users, adding it as a query parameter that can be added to any route:

text: 'Josh Owens just commented on your post: https://myapp.com/anyroute?foo=bar&token=' + token

Then on client

if (!Meteor.userId()) {
  token = // get token from URL (depends on your router and link format)

  LoginLinks.loginWithToken(token, (e, r) => {
    if (e) {
      // notify

    // logged in!

Security note

Normally the ability to gain access to a user account depends on knowledge of the username/email and password (of your app or the oauth service). In the case of accounts-password, you can also gain access to a user account if you can access the user's email, because you can call sendResetPasswordEmail and resetPassword, which logs you in. While currently such emails do not expire, it's best practice that they do (in order to reduce the risk that someone will gain access to your email later, and find the reset email and use it). Similarly, you should pick an expiration period for login-links, according to the balance you choose between UX and security.



When a login is attempted with a token that is expired, a 'login-links/token-expired' error will be thrown. The default token expiration is one day.

You can configure expiration in three ways. A value of 0 is not supported.


LoginLinks.setDefaultExpirationInSeconds(60 * 60); // one hour

Call on both server and client. The default value is one day.


  short: {expirationInSeconds: 10 * 60}, // ten minutes
  long: {expirationInSeconds: 30 * 24 * 60 * 60} // one month

LoginLinks.generateAccessToken(user, {type: 'short'});  

Call on both server and client

Per token

// on server
LoginLinks.generateAccessToken(user, {expirationInSeconds: 10 * 60}); // ten minutes


LoginLinks.generateAccessToken(user, opts) (server)

  • user: userId or user object.
  • opts: {type: String} or {expirationInSeconds: Integer}

Note: If you pass a user object, it has to be a raw object, so if you're using dburles:collection-helpers on Meteor.users, you have to fetch it with transform: null: Meteor.users.findOne({}, {transform: null})

Any additional fields in opts will be copied to the stored token that is provided to any hooks.

The token is 43 alphanumeric characters, and only the hashed version is stored in the DB.

Logging in

There are two supported types of logging in. When you initiate a login, Accounts.loggingIn() is updated.


LoginLinks.loginWithToken(token, cb) (client)

  • cb is provided error

This is a full login: if it is called before expiration, the login will go through, and a resume token (different from an login-links access token) will be generated for the client. That means the client will continue to be logged in until your app's Accounts loginExpirationInDays (see http://docs.meteor.com/#/full/accounts_config).


LoginLinks.connectionLogin(token, cb) (client)

  • cb is provided error, data. data has a userId field as well as any custom fields on the token stored in the database or fields returned from onConnectionLogin

This is a temporary, connection-based login:

  • When the connection is broken (eg if you reload the page or call Meteor.disconnect()), the user is no longer logged in, unless it's within the expiration window (in which case connectionLogin will automatically be called again with the same token)
  • No resume tokens are created.
  • If connectionLogin is successful, it will automatically be called inside other browser tabs that are opened later, provided the token hasn't expired.

The reconnect code uses Meteor.connection.onReconnect, so if you redefine it, make sure to save and call the existing hook:

existingHook = Meteor.connection.onReconnect
Meteor.connection.onReconnect = () => {

  // then your code



LoginLinks.onTokenLogin(function(token, user){}); (server)

When loginWithToken is used to successfully login a user, this hook is called before completion.


LoginLinks.onConnectionLogin(function(token, user){}); (server)

When connectionLogin is used to successfully login a user, this hook is called before completion. If you return an object, the object's fields will be added to the data object that is passed to the client connectionLogin callback.


LoginLinks.connectionLoginReconnect = function(token){}; (client)

On a connectionLogin reconnect attempt, by default it will call connectionLogin again. If you'd like a different function to be used, assign it to LoginLinks.connectionLoginReconnect

Related packages

  • loren:roles-restricted - If you want to restrict the permissions that the automatically-logged-in browser has, use this package along with alanning:roles.
  • accounts-passwordless
    • full accounts system (creates new user accounts)
    • no timeout on tokens
    • tokens are 4 digits
    • only email-based
    • token generation is triggered client-side
    • no connectionLogin option
  • dispatch:accounts-sms SMS-code-only full accounts system
  • pascoual:otp - This is for TOTP (Time-based OTP), like Google Authenticator, usually used as 2FA (two-factor auth).
  • dburles:two-factor - Generates 2FA codes
  • dispatch:login-token Basically this package without connectionLogin. Would have just added to it had I found it earlier

Package dev

ES6 without semicolons


git clone [email protected]:lorensr/login-links.git
cd login-links
meteor --release test-packages ./
open localhost:3000


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