
Low Quality Image Placeholders (LQIP) Module for Node

npm install --save lqip

Generating Base64 from an image:

const lqip = require('lqip');

const file = `./dest/to/file/zouhir-riding-a-bike.jpg`;

lqip.base64(file).then(res => {
  console.log(res); // ".....

Generating colour palette from an image:

const lqip = require('lqip');

const file = `./dest/to/file/zouhir-riding-a-bike.jpg`;

lqip.palette(file).then(res => {
  // the response will be sorted from most dominant colour to least
  console.log(res); //  [ '#628792', '#bed4d5', '#5d4340', '#ba454d', '#c5dce4', '#551f24' ] 

lqip.base64(filePath: string)

This method accepts an image file path, the file has to be one of those formats ['jpeg', 'jpg', 'png'] and returns a Base64 image string with a valid format and ready to be used in web applications such as in tags source or in CSS properties URLs.

lqip.palette(filePath: string)

This method accepts an image file path, and returns an colour palette as an array of HEX colour values. The array that is returned is sorted from the most to the least dominant colour.

  • Essential Image Optimization, An eBook by Addy Osmani link

Related projects to this would be lqip-loader for webpack as well as lqip-cli.

Thanks to contributors and Colin van Eenige for his reviews and early testing.

MIT - Zouhir Chahoud

Package Rankings
Top 2.15% on Npmjs.org
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