
FontAwesome SVG map markers


Map Marker Awesome

This project provides ...

  • Nice, simple, scalable SVG map markers
  • with any Font Awesome icon
  • that you can use with Google Maps (and beyond)

Use it two ways

  1. Generate and download individual SVGs with your choice of size, colour and Font Awesome icon.

  2. Embed the JS library (~130KB gzipped), to dynamically generate markers with any size, colour and icon at run-time (as data: URIs).

Library usage examples

Create these markers:

Like this:

<script src="mma.js"></script>
  var mapMarkerAwesome = mapMarkerAwesomeFactory(true);

  var plainIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome();

  var musicIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('music');
  var alsoMusicIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('fa-music');
  var alsoAlsoMusicIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('\uf001');

  var largeHeartIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('heart', { height: 52 });
  var redWithYellowStarIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('star', { fill: '#f00', icon: '#ff0' });

  var homeIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('home');
  var bigHomeIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('home', { iconTransform: 'scale(1.25)' });

  var arrowIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('arrow-up', { fill: '#fff', icon: '#444', stroke: '#444' });
  var rotatedArrowIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome('arrow-up', { 
    iconTransform: 'rotate(22.5)', 
    fill: '#fff', 
    icon: '#444', 
    stroke: '#444'

  function randByte() { return Math.floor(Math.random() * 256); }
  var randomColourPlainIconSrc = mapMarkerAwesome(null, { 
    fill: { r: randByte(), g: randByte(), b: randByte() } 

Then pass the resulting image URIs to the Google Maps library, or wherever else you want to use them.

Library docs

var mapMarkerAwesome = mapMarkerAwesomeFactory(dataURI);

The mapMarkerAwesomeFactory is the only global variable created by the script. Call this function to create your mapMarkerAwesome function. The dataURI argument to the factory function is a boolean that determines whether the marker icons generated by the returned function will be plain SVG strings (for example, to be saved as image files) or data URIs (for example, for direct use in the Google Maps API).

var iconSVG = mapMarkerAwesome(code, opts);

code is a string identifying the Font Awesome icon that's required. You can pass either the Font Awesome icon id (with or without the fa- prefix) or the equivalent Unicode character so star, fa-star or \uf005 are exactly equivalent. Pass null (or nothing) for a plain marker with no icon.

opts is an object with the following keys:

  • fill specifies the color of the body of the marker default #4182c3 (a nice mid blue)
  • stroke specifies the color of the marker outline default #fff (white)
  • icon specifies the color for the icon on the marker default #fff (white)
  • height is an integer specifying the size of the markere via the height, in pixels default 42
  • transform is a string specifying any SVG transforms to be applied to the icon default '' (none)

The transform property can be used to tweak the display of any particular icon, such as its positioning, size, and rotation. The coordinate origin of the transform is approximately the centre of the icon.

Colour values (fill, stroke and icon) can be specified as any valid SVG colour string (so white, #fff, #ffffff, rgb(255,255,255) and rgba(255,255,255,1) are all equivalent).

They can alternatively be specified as an object with r, g, b keys (with integer values 0 255) and an optional a key (with numeric value 0 1).


Code released under the MIT licence, except Font Awesome icons, which remain subject to their original licence (I think).