
markdown-magic Plugin to list out the contributors of your repository.


List Github Contributors Plugin

This markdown-magic will list out the contributors of your repository.


npm i markdown-magic markdown-magic-github-contributors --save-dev


1. Add markdown-magic transform script

/* generate-docs.js */
const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const markdownMagic = require('markdown-magic')

const config = {
  transforms: {
    CONTRIBUTORS: require('markdown-magic-github-contributors')

const markdownPath = path.join(__dirname, '')
markdownMagic(markdownPath, config)

2. Add comment block in markdown

table will be placed here

3. Add docs build script to package.json

This is an option step but will allow you to generate docs easily with npm run docs

  "scripts": {
    "docs": "node generate-docs.js",


repo (string) (optional) - username/repoName. Will use the current working directory git remote origin as a default.

format (string) (optional) - Default is table. possible values: list, aligned, & table. See example

Setting options

Global configuration

You can configure the plugin when required in as a tranform. This will apply to all instances of the <!-- AUTO-GENERATED-CONTENT (CONTRIBUTORS) --> comment, unless overriden inline.

const fs = require('fs')
const path = require('path')
const markdownMagic = require('markdown-magic')

const config = {
  transforms: {
    CONTRIBUTORS: require('markdown-magic-github-contributors')({
      format: 'list'

const markdownPath = path.join(__dirname, '')
markdownMagic(markdownPath, config)

Inline configuration

You can override global config settings with inline options like so:

table will be placed here

Prior Art

Many thanks to jonschlinkert and his github-contributors package that powers this under the hood.

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