
Convert a markdown document into a JSON tree structure.

MIT License


markdown-tree deprecated

Deprecated: use something like remark instead?

Convert a markdown document into a JSON tree structure, using marked under the hood.

Should be helpful for cases where you might want to analyse the structure of the document, e.g. auto-generating sites from GitHub wikis.


require('markdown-tree')(src[, options])

src should be the Markdown document you want to parse, as a string.

options is passed on to marked.lexer.

Each Node in the resulting tree represents either the document root or a heading, and should be formatted similarly to this:

    type: "Heading" // or, "Document"
  , text: "The Heading Contents"
  , children: []
  , depth: 2 // e.g. "### hello" would be 3
  , tokens: [
        type: 'paragraph'
      , text: 'The tokens from each paragraph...'
        type: 'paragraph'
      , text: '...before the next heading go here!'
        type: 'paragraph'
      , text: 'This data comes directly from marked.'

There's also a parent property, but that's hidden to make logging the tree a little cleaner.

Note also that the tokens array is actually retrieved from the marked module untouched, so you can run it through marked.parse with little trouble to compile that section to standalone HTML.


MIT. See for details.