


Cascading branch sync


Our team often works on multiple releases at once and we often wasted time on keeping future releases in sync. For example, one team member pushed features planned for release/1.1.0 and other team member added changes for future release/1.2.0, we would want to merge changes from release/1.1.0 into release/1.2.0. This script will do this automatically. Branch sequence is fully customizable and supports regex expressions, which are alphabetically sorted by default, but this can be changed to semver sort (for example, release/1.1.0 is before release/1.2.0).


Note 1: nodegit requires C compiler, check nodegit Getting started on how to configure it, if installation fails. Note 2: installing using yarn will most likely fail when installing nodegit

  1. clone the repo and install dependencies using npm install
  2. create files .env and sync-config.yml, ensure git is configured to be able to clone without prompt
  3. use npm start to run the server
  4. configure GitHub repository webhooks and point it to server (make sure to use public IP)



  • GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET: a secred shared with GitHub's webhook config
  • GITHUB_TOKEN: github token which authorizes at least repo permissions
  • SYNC_AT_START: set to true if script should add all branch pairs to sync job on start
  • MAILGUN_API_KEY: Mailgun API key
  • MAILGUN_DOMAIN: Mailgun domain name
  • MAIL_SEND_FROM: e-mail address to use as mail "from" address
  • MAIL_SEND_TO: e-mail address(es) to send mail to, for multiple addresses, separate each address with ,


  • git_config: name: value pairs of git config to set for all repositories (e.g. username)
  • repositories: list of repositories to handle, each should contain the following properties:
    • remote_url: URL where repository is hosted
    • local_path: path where the repository will be cloned to, either absolute or relative to project root
    • branches: list of branches to match for syncing, each can be either a plain string (exact match) or an object, which can specify:
      • regex: regex used to match branches
      • sort (optional): if set to semver, semverSort.asc will be used, otherwise defaults to alphabetical sort

The script will merge first matching branch into the next one, unless the matched branch is last on the list. To chain merges, it relies on script creating a push event for next branch in sequence.

Webhook config on github repository

  • Go to repository -> Settings -> Webhooks
  • Click Add webhook and set:
    • Payload url: [url to this webook server]/github/callback (don't forget about using the correct port in the url)
    • Content type: application/json
    • Secret: the same secret as GITHUB_WEBHOOK_SECRET value in .env
    • Events: can be anything, but currently just the push events are processed, so it's suggested to use "Just the push event" for best performance

Testing (development)

Use npm test to run linter and tests or npm run test:coverage to see coverage.

For watch mode (re-run tests when code changes), use npm run test:watch.