a prototype search interface for easy product discovery using the Coveo REST API. Made for the SAQ.

MIT License


Synopsis Strategy       core strategy       on using React Installation Development Documentation Maintainer is a prototype search interface to ease product discovery for all SAQ's clients, using the Coveo REST API. This project originated from a technical challenge which was part of the front-end developer interview process at Coveo.

The challenge has been accepted, and there is only a french version for now.

Manage the whole application state based on the window.location.hash (based on a recent book I read).

More precisely, as the user navigates into the website and trigger an event dictating the client to get new information from the Coveo rest API, the hash is updated consequently, which is then parsed to a JSON object meant to be sent as the body of a POST request made to the Coveo REST API, out of which a response is received by the client, and interpreted to update the UI with the new information received. Six main behaviors can cause the hash to update (there are others, but these are the most important):

User searches for a new product -> client updates hash -> client parses hash to JSON -> client sends POST request to Coveo API with hash-JSON as body (and extra, constant rest parameters also contained in the JSON body) -> information is received by the client, interpreted and passed to the main React component, which passes the proper information to its children to update the UI
User checks/unchecks a filter -> ...(same sequence)... ->
User resets filters -> ...(same sequence)... ->
User clicks on a new sort criteria -> ...(same sequence)... ->
User clicks on load more results button -> ...(same sequence)... ->
User goes back/advances in the browser history -> ...(same sequence)... ->

No local storage or other strategies are used to manage page refresh or second+ visits for now. When this occurs, the app is currently reloaded to its initial state.

The app is based on React mainly to build the UI components and to provide a rather simple way to manage the data flow (as explained in the core strategy). The component tree resembles the following:

		ResetFiltersButton (currently not a component)
		NumberOfResultsFound (currently not a component)
		DidYouMeanMessage (currently not a component)
			MaterialButton (currently a component but not used as such in ProductCard)
		MoreResultsButton (currently not a component)
		ToTopButton (currently not a component)
	Footer (currently not a component)

When indicated as currently not a component, this means you won't find the actual component with that name in the project folder, but you will find it in its, unnamed, html format inside their parent component. The indication in the above schema means we believe this should be a component in itself, but is currently not.

Each component is named as presented in the schema in the project folder at _root_/src/components. Each component possesses its own stylesheet with the same name at _root_/src/styles, and its own test file with the same name at _root_/src/tests. It may however be possible that the styles of parent elements may be used in their children. If you do not find a rule you want to edit in the component's style, you may want to climb up the component tree to find which component is containing the rule. As a rule of thumb, some utility rules (hide, show components) can be found at the root component MaSAQ.

Step 1: Prerequisites

First, make sure you have the following installed on your computer: Node.js, Npm, and Git.

Step 2: Clone the github repository

Move to an empty directory on your computer and clone the github repository with the following command:

git clone

After this command is executed, move to the local directory created with the following command:


Step 3: Install node dependencies

To install all the node modules dependencies for the project, run the following command on your computer:

npm install  

This could take a few minutes or less, and you are now ready to contribute to the application.

All source files are located at _root_/src, excepts for assets and the index.html file that are located at _root_/public. These files are the ones to be edited before building the production version of the app. started with create-react-app, helping you start the creation of applications with React, along with automated unit tests, with very minimal configuration.

Out of the box, create-react-app comes with great technologies and pre-built scripts helping you start being productive in no time (see create-react-app site or development section of the technology stack section). Here is an overview of each script and its function:

Disclaimer: following descriptions are greatly inspired by the create-react-app documentation.

  • npm start

    • Runs the app in development mode. Open http://localhost:3000 to view it in the browser. The page will reload if you make edits.
      You will see the build errors and lint warnings in the console.
  • npm test

    • Runs the test watcher in an interactive mode. By default, runs tests related to files changes since the last commit. The development environment currently comes bundled with Jest, Jasmine, and Enzyme. Read the following creation-react-app link for more information about testing.
  • npm run build

    • Builds the app for production to the _root_/build folder. It correctly bundles React in production mode and optimizes the build for the best performance. The build is minified and the filenames include the hashes. is then ready to be deployed afterward.

Along with the React components, the application uses other modules provided in the _root_/utils folder to create a nice UI:

  • CoveoAPI (at _root_/utils/coveo.js)

    • a namespace containing all utility functions and data to create proper requests to the Coveo REST API
  • Hash (at _root_/utils/hash.js)

    • a namespace containing all utility functions to update and parse the window.location.hash
  • SAQ

    • a small namespace of one utility function, so far used to get the current number of products displayed in the application.

To get you started, you can view the issues currently remaining to be solved. You can also provide fixes for issues specified in the on using React section.

more detailed documentation coming soon. Meanwhile, please see the strategy, and development section.

Technology stack

As of the last edit of this README, is mostly supported by the following technologies:


  • MDL - Material Design appearance of the application
  • Google Fonts - Fonts of the application

DOM manipulation and User interface

  • React - building UI components and managing data flow
  • jQuery - DOM selection, animation, and event handling
  • Create react app - Create React apps with no build configuration
  • Webpack with webpack-dev-server, html-webpack-plugin and style-loader - module bundler
  • Autoprefixer - Parse CSS and add vendor prefixes to rules
  • Babel - Use next generation JavaScript, today
  • Eslint - pluggable linting utility for JavaScript and JSX


DISCLAIMER: very minimal testing has been made so far. More unit tests (a lot more), remain to be added.


  • Coveo API - Searching and getting relevant SAQ products


  • createcomp - a node script I personally coded to manage the creation of a react component along with its stylesheet and test file when working on components. This should be updated to provide delete and rename functionalities in a near future. Docs will also be added.

Michel Moreau - [email protected]