
Snake game on javascript Matrices!

MIT License



Play Snake Game in a Javascript Matrix (browser-ready)!

$ npm install --save snake-matrix


$ bower install --save snake-matrix


SnakeGame will expose one method and an object: prepare and CbObj, respectively.

::prepare(w, h, cbObj, onFruintEaten, onCrach)

prepares return a game, which is an object with only one method: next. next is what will tick the game so that the next state is generated (collision is detected, as well as new positions).


cbObj is an emitter object which will signalize whenever a new direction should be handled by the game. It exposes only the emitDir method, which takes one string as its argument: up, left, right or down.


Although this might seem a little bit complicated, this is how it works:

var SnakeGame = require('../src/snake-game');
// creates an object that will notify our Snake
// Game whenever we want to change the direction
// of the snake.
var cbObj = new SnakeGame.CbObj();

// here we prepare the CbObj to receive, in a
// given interval of 1.5s, random directions.
setInterval(function () {
  cbObj.emitDir(['up', 'left','right', 'down'][Math.random() * 4 | 0]);
}, 1500);

// Prepare the initial gave (5x5 matrix)
var game = SnakeGame.prepare(5,5, cbObj);

// Let the game render itself in an interval of
// .5s
setInterval(function () {
}, 500);

By letting the dev decide how to tick the game and decide on how to signalize a new direction we provide freedom to the way the dev wants to perform this things.