
Code for Medusa Store Tutorial



This starter has minimal prerequisites and most of these will usually already be installed on your computer.

Setting up your store

  • Install the Medusa CLI
    npm install -g @medusajs/medusa
    yarn global add @medusajs/medusa
  • Create a new Medusa project
    medusa new my-medusa-store
  • Run your project
    cd my-medusa-store
    medusa develop

Your local Medusa server is now running on port 9000.

Try it out

curl -X GET localhost:9000/store/products | python -m json.tool

After the seed script has run you will have the following things in you database:

  • a User with the email: [email protected] and password: supersecret
  • a Region called Default Region with the countries GB, DE, DK, SE, FR, ES, IT
  • a Shipping Option called Standard Shipping which costs 10 EUR
  • a Product called Cool Test Product with 4 Product Variants that all cost 19.50 EUR

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