
Here is another MileStone Project, As an ITaians the time has come to harness each single tech skill we gained from the past intensive courses to utilize all tech knowledge we learned into ACTION as it turns into ONE BIG project that has a multitude of functionalities and features.


MERN Stack Milestone Project - ITI

Here is another MileStone Project,As an IT-ayan the time has come to harness each single tech skill we gained from the past intensive front and backend courses to utilize every single piece of tech knowledge into ACTION as it turns into ONE BIG project that has a multitude of functionalities and features.

Project Status Project Status

Hold in tight while we cook it night!

Repository Stats

Project Overview

  • Technologies Used: React, Node.js, Express, MongoDB
  • Features: User Authentication, CRUD Operations, Real-time Updates, API Integration


  • User Authentication and Authorization
  • Comprehensive CRUD Operations
  • Real-time Data Updates
  • API Integration
  • Responsive UI with Modern Design Elements
  • Optimized Performance for Scalability

Team Members

This project is a collaborative effort by four ITI students:

  • Ibrahim Saber
  • Ahmad Abogabal
  • Mahmoud Ismail
  • Mahmoud Yehia