
Internationalization for Autoform powered by TAPi18n

- NOTE: This package is not maintained anymore.
- If you want to help, please reach out to [email protected]

Meteor Autoform i18n

Internationalization for aldeed:autoform powered by tap:i18n. This package automatically attaches reactive labels, input placeholders and select options to your forms created through Autoform.

UPDATE: To get reactively translated error messages in Autoform, additionally use gwendall:simple-schema-i18n.


meteor add gwendall:autoform-i18n


1. Create an i18n file with your translations

*.i18n.json files contain the values that the package will apply to your schema. For each schema field, you can pass the following values:

  • label [String]: Will be set as a label in your autoform
  • placeholder [String]: Will be set as a text input / textarea placeholder or select first option, depending on your input type
  • options [Object]: Will be the options available in your selects, radioboxes or checkboxes for the given field.

If you explicitely define label, placeholder or options for some your schema fields, the package will not overwrite them with translations. Don't declare them for the package to perform the translation.

2. Define a simple-schema for your collection and call Schema.i18n(json_path)

json_path is the path allowing the package to find your translations for this schema in your i18n files. NOTE: Call Schema.i18n(json_path) in a Meteor.startup hook to make sure your translation files are available to the package.



  "schemas": {
    "posts": {
      "title": {
        "label": "Title",
        "placeholder": "Enter a title for your post"
      "category": {
        "label": "Category",
        "placeholder": "Select a category",
        "options": {
          "announcements": "Announcements",
          "packages": "Packages",
          "ama": "AMA",
          "news": "News"


  "schemas": {
    "posts": {
      "title": {
        "label": "Titre",
        "placeholder": "Veuillez saisir le titre de votre publication"
      "category": {
        "label": "Categorie",
        "placeholder": "Choisissez une categorie",
        "options": {
          "announcements": "Annonces",
          "packages": "Paquets",
          "ama": "AMA",
          "news": "Nouvelles"


Posts = new Mongo.Collection("posts");
Schema = new SimpleSchema({
  "title": {
    type: String
  "category": {
    type: String
Meteor.startup(function() {


<template name="postForm">
  {{> quickForm collection="Posts" id="insertPostForm" type="insert"}}

Advanced Example with array


    "schemas": {
        "contacts": {
            "firstname": {
                "label": "First name"
            "lastname": {
                "label": "Last name"
            "phones": {
                "label": "Phone",
                "$": {
                   "number": { "label": "Number"},
                   "type": {
                      "label": "Type",
                      "placeholder": "Select a type ...",
                      "options": {
                          "mobile": "Mobile",
                          "office": "Office",
                          "private": "Private",
                          "fax": "Fax",
                          "other": "Other"


    "schemas": {
        "contacts": {
            "firstname": {
                "label": "Prénom"
            "lastname": {
                "label": "Nom"
            "phones": {
                "label": "Téléphone",
                "$": {
                   "number": { "label": "Numéro"},
                   "type": {
                      "label": "Type",
                      "placeholder": "Choissisez un type",
                      "options": {
                          "mobile": "Mobile",
                          "office": "Bureau",
                          "private": "Privé",
                          "fax": "Fax",
                          "other": "Autre"


Contacts = new Meteor.Collection("contacts");

var Schema = new SimpleSchema({
    firstname: { type: String, max: 200 },
    lastname: { type: String, max: 200 },
    phones: { type: [Object], optional: true },
    "phones.$.number": { type: String },
    "phones.$.type": { type: String }

Meteor.startup(function() {


<template name="contactForm">
  {{> quickForm collection="Contacts" id="insertContactForm" type="insert"}}

Schema inclusion Example


  "schemas": {
     "cars": {
        "name": {
          "label": "Name"
        "details": {
          "with": {"label": "Width"}


  "schemas": {
     "cars": {
        "name": {
          "label": "Nom"
        "details": {
          "with": {"label": "Largeur"}


CarDetailsSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  width: {
    type: Number

CarsSchema = new SimpleSchema({
  name: {
    type: String
  details: {
    type: CarDetailsSchema

Cars = new Mongo.Collection('cars');

Meteor.startup(function() {