
Gift Ideas (written with Meteor), helping parents with picky kids since 2014

MIT License


Gift Ideas

Gift Ideas is a simple Meteor application demonstrating the all-packages project structure technique.

This project also leverages the Meteor EC2 install script I developed and use in several of my production Meteor applications.

See a production version of Gift Ideas:

About Gift Ideas

The premise behind Gift Ideas is a simple gift idea list meant for parents organizing birthday parties for their kids who need to easily send gift ideas to the invited kids' parents.

More complex solutions exist but nearly always require logins.

And of course simpler solutions exist (email, paper) but the logistics of sending these lists in a coordinated fashion gets tricky for the average parent, not to mention far trickier for the parents on the other end trying to communicate back their intentions to other involved parents.


There is no security -- anyone can add/modify/delete any list. An important design goal of this application is to reduce friction for users to near zero.

Authentication (logins etc) add a huge barrier to entry, so it was intentionally decided to allow anyone who knows the URL path to have full access. This approach is very similar to the Mailinator service.
