
MFAD+T Thesis Website 2014


MFAD+T Thesis Website 2014


  1. MAMP - Apache (web server), MySQL (database server), PHP (server-side programming) for Mac
  2. Sequel Pro - MySQL frontend GUI


  1. Fork the repo to make your own copy of the project

    • This is done on the GitHub site
    • Click the Fork button in the top right of the project page
  2. Clone your repo, not the original project repo

    • Use Terminal or your GitHub client of choice

    • For Terminal, navigate to where you want and clone

        cd /Applications/MAMP/htdocs
        git clone
    • Simplify the folder name. WordPress wants it this way

        mv mfadt-thesis-website-2014 mfadt
  3. Set up upstream tracking. Verify by listing the remote sources

     git remote add upstream
     git remote -v
  4. Set up WordPress and the database

    • Create a database called mfadt-2014
    • Import latest sql file with Sequel Pro
    • Create mfadt MySQL user and add all permissions in Schema Privileges tab for mfadt-2014 database
    • Add wp-config.php file
  5. Test WP Install

    • Navigate to http://localhost:8888/mfadt and make sure we're good to go

Git Workflow


  • The general hierarchy is:

    master -> develop -> develop-feature

  • master is what will be currently live on the mfadt site and is always 100% stable

  • develop will be our live development site and will be nearly stable

  • master and develop are never worked on directly. Always use a feature branch, which is then merged into develop, which is then merged into master


  1. Start from develop. Pull in the latest updates/changes. Think of this as git pull except you're pulling from an upstream repository

     git checkout develop
     git fetch upstream
     git merge upstream/develop
  2. Make your feature branch

     git checkout -b develop-my-feature

    (This command creates a branch called my-feature and then switches to that branch. The longer way to do it would be)

     git branch develop-my-feature
     git checkout develop-my-feature
  3. Make all your changes. Add files, edit files, delete files, test. When you're ready:

     git add file1.php
     git add file2.php
     git commit -m "I made this sweet thing"
  4. Merge it into develop

     git checkout develop
     git merge --no-ff develop-my-feature
     git branch -d develop-my-feature
     git push

    Note: you may get an error about tracking not set up for push. It will tell you a command to set remote tracking, similar to git push --set-upstream origin develop. Go ahead and run that.

  5. Submit a pull request on GitHub!

Database changes

Updating your local copy to reflect changes someone else made

If you're performing these steps, they should most likely be done between steps 1 & 2 above, i.e. after merging the upstream changes into your local repo, but before creating a new branch to work on.

  1. Open Sequel Pro and connect to your server
  2. File -> Import
  3. Select the file you want to import, which is probaly the most recent file in the sql folder inside /Applications/MAMP/htdocs/mfadt