
Fetch repos, install dependencies and serve projects concurrently with one command.


Micro-frontend Root Initializer

Fetch repos, install dependencies and serve projects concurrently with one command.

yarn start $PROJECT_NAMES

yarn start dashboard threejs excel

Just yarn start runs all workspace projects.

Implementing new repos

const DOMAINS = {
    product: {
        local: '/product',
        remote: 'remote/product',
        scripts: {
            serve: 'serve:product'
  • Add your repo to DOMAINS constant under init.js.
  • Local property is the folder your repo will be fetched to.
  • Remote property is remote url of your repo, either ssh or http.
  • Scripts contains the scripts you may run on the repo. Might want to change to and array or string depending on your needs.
  • Add your repo to workspaces under package.json. It should be same with your local property(local folder name).