
A small utility that migrates data from an Amplitude project to a PostHog project written in Node.js

ISC License


Migrates Amplitude data to PostHog

A small utility that migrates data from an Amplitude project to a PostHog project.

How it works

  1. Exports project data from Amplitude via the Amplitude Export API
  2. Converts the exported data into JSON files and stores them locally
  3. Iterates through the stored JSON files, creates PostHog events from the data, and sends those events to PostHog

See the TODO section for status.


  1. Clone the GitHub project:

    git clone [email protected]:leggetter/migrate-amplitude-to-posthog.git && cd migrate-amplitude-to-posthog
  2. Install the project dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Configure the utility via the guided prompts by running the following command:

    node src/index.js config

    See the Amplitude docs on getting your API credentials for the AMPLITUDE_API_KEY and AMPLITUDE_API_SECRET.

    The Amplitude export start and end dates should be in the format MM/DD/YYYY.

    You can find your PostHog project API key within your Project settings.

    Configuration is stored in migration.conf.


Once the utility has been setup with the required configuration you can run additional commands:

Usage: index [options] [command]

  -h, --help                                 display help for command

  config                                     Checks for any missing required configuration. Prompts when
                                             required configuration is missing. Configuration is stored in
                                             migration.conf in the working directory.
  full-migration                             Performs a full Amplitude export, file unzipping and JSON
                                             file setup, and PostHog event import.
  unzip-only <export-zip-path>               Unzipped the Amplitude export zip file and sets up the JSON
                                             files ready for the PostHog import. Request an export zip file.
  posthog-import-only <json-directory-path>  Imports the JSON files from the Amplitude export into
                                             PostHog. Requires the JSON files.
  help [command]                             display help for command

A guide to migrating data from Amplitude to PostHog

Fully automated

You can use the full-migration command to walk through the full migration from Amplitude to PostHog.

If the Amplitude export times out try the steps in the Partially automated section.

Partially automated

The Amplitude export can timeout for large exports so you may be better taking a multi-step approach to the process.

  1. Within the Amplitude dashboard got to your Organization settings > Projects and select the project you want to export data from.
  2. Click the Export Data button and select the full date range. Then click the Save button. This will begin the export process and your browser will download an export.zip file.
  3. Move the export.zip file to a working directory.
  4. Set your terminal working directory to the working directory that the zip file is in (e.g. cd path/to/dir/containing/export/zip).
  5. Run the command unzip-only path/to/export.zip. You will be prompted for some configuration (note: some config isn't require for this command). This will create a json directory within that working folder with all the events that are to be imported to PostHog.
  6. Run the command posthog-import-only path/to/json (the json directory that was just created)
  7. When completed you will see a message similar to Sent 61590 events to PostHog (2554 of which were alias events) from 2520 JSON files in 58 batch requests.



  • Extract the data from Amplitude
  • Unzip and convert the data into JSON files and store
  • Iterate over the stored JSON files, convert the Amplitude events to PostHog events and send them to PostHog
  • Add alias tracking

Nice to have

  • Store PostHog event capture progress as iterating so that the process can be resumed if a request fails
  • Add some tests around key areas. Everything has been tested manually up until this point.
  • Make PostHog import batch size configurable (it is presently hard-coded as 1000) and fully adhere to the specified batch size
