
An example of how to migrate an existing application to a single-spa web application

MIT License


Simple ecommerce cart application built using React Redux

Basic Overview Live Demo

This simple shopping cart prototype shows how React components and Redux can be used to build a friendly user experience with instant visual updates and scaleable code in ecommerce applications.


  • Add and remove products from the floating cart
  • Sort products by highest to lowest and lowest to highest price
  • Filter products by available sizes
  • Products persist in floating cart even after page reloads
  • Responsive design for desktop, tablets and mobile
  • Product stoppers for free shipping


  • React
    • Redux - for application state management
  • Nodejs
    • Express CORS Middleware
    • Nodemon - for watching for server changes
  • Axios - for promise HTTP requests
  • Native local storage API - for product persistence in floating cart
  • CSS
    • BEM methodology
    • SASS

Getting started


  • Node.js
  • NPM

Package installation

Execute the following command on your terminal to install all the needed packages:

npm install

Run the API Server

Start the server using:

npm run server

When done, the products API will be running on http://localhost:8001/api/products

keep it running on a terminal and go to the next step.

Start the React App

just execute the following command and thats it! :D

npm start

The application will start automatically in your browser on http://localhost:3000

Copyright and license

The MIT License (MIT). Please see License File for more information.


  • Implement filters by URL params using react-router