
The Millennial Terminal web app enables users to stay up to date with latest media trends. It offers key word search of different media sources i.e. GIPHY, goodReads, The New York Time, Twitter and movieDB

MIT License


Millennial Terminal


The Millennial Terminal web app enables users to stay up to date with latest media trends. It offers key word search of different media sources:

  • goodReads
  • The New York Times
  • Twitter and movieDB

Frameworks/systems: ReactJS, Node.js, Express.


To fork and work with this project follow these steps:

# Clone the repository
git clone

# Go inside the directory
cd millennial-terminal

# Install dependencies
yarn (or npm install)

# Start development server
yarn dev (or npm run dev)

# Build for production
yarn build (or npm run build)

# Start production server
yarn start (or npm start)

This project was bootstrapped by simple-react-full-stack.

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