
A JavaScript module to fail builds if an NPM or Yarn audit fails

MIT License



A Node application to audit project dependencies with security issues before they make it into production


minder is a wrapper for npm audit and yarn audit. You can configure minder to call either npm audit or yarn audit and set it to fail CI builds or a pre-commit hook if the audit finds packages with security issues matching your configured severity level. You can also output the results to an HTML report courtesy of npm-audit-html and yarn-audit-html.

Getting Started

Usage: minder

You can create a config file to commit with your project. minder looks for a file named minder.config.json in the current working directory from which the script was called. Example:

  "severity": "high",
  "report": true,
  "html-report-filepath": "audit-report.html",
  "registry": "https://registry.npmjs.org/",
  "whitelisted-advisories": ["803"]

Explaination of options

Option Description
severity configure what severity you would like to fail on. Must be one of: "info", "low", "moderate", "high" or "critical"
package-manager choose what package manager audit endpoint to use. Must be one of: "npm" or "yarn"
registry choose what registry URL the audit payload will be sent to
report choose to output a HTML report of the audit results. Must be one of: true or false
html-report-filepath set a custom file name of HTML report, only applicable if "report" is set to true
audit-fail-build sets the exit code to 1 when true or 0 when false. Must be one of: true or false
whitelisted-advisories array of advisory IDs to allow/ignore. Must be an array of strings

If no config file is passed then the following defaults will be used:

Option Default value
severity "critical"
package-manager "npm"
registry ""
report false
html-report-filepath ""
audit-fail-build false
whitelisted-advisories []

Add a plugin

You can also extend functionality by writing your own plugin. minder looks for a file named minder-plugin.js in the current working directory from which the script was called. The audit response is passed as the first parameter and the config overrides as the second.


module.exports = function minderPlugin(data, config) {
  console.log(`Do something with: ${data} and ${config}`);

Built With

  • npm-audit-html - NPM Audit HTML Report Generator
  • yarn-audit-html - Yarn Audit HTML Report Generator
  • npm-run - Runs locally-installed node module executables. Used to trigger the HTML Reports


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details