
Collection of mixin tools for objects and functions

MIT License


mixly NPM Module

Collection of mixin tools for objects and functions.

compression size
mixly.js 8.94 kB
mixly.min.js 2.93 kB
mixly.min.js.gz 964 B

Table of Contents


$ npm install --save mixly



mixly(object[, object[, ...object]])

Alias: mixly/mixin

Creates prototype chain with the properties from the provided objects, by (shallow) copying own properties from each object onto respective elements in the chain.

var mixly = require('mixly');

var o1 = { O1: true, commonThing: 'o1' }
  , o2 = { O2: true, commonThing: 'o2' }
  , o3 = { O3: true, commonThing: 'o3' }

// (o1) -> (o2) -> (o3)
var o0 = mixly(o1, o2, o3);

assert.notStrictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o0), o1, 'Object `o0` does not have prototype set to object `o1`');
assert.notStrictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o1), o2, 'Object `o1` does not have prototype set to object `o2`');
assert.notStrictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o2), o3, 'Object `o2` does not have prototype set to object `o3`');

assert.strictEqual(o0.O1, true, 'copied properties from the first object');
assert.strictEqual(o0.O2, true, 'has access to the properties of the second object');
assert.strictEqual(o0.O3, true, 'has access to the properties of the third object');
assert.strictEqual(o0.commonThing, 'o1', 'shared properties from first object "win"');
assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o0).commonThing, 'o2', 'has access to the shared properties of the second object');
assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(o0)).commonThing, 'o3', 'has access to the shared properties of the third object');

assert.strictEqual(o0.hasOwnProperty('commonThing'), true, 'has shared properties from first object as own');
assert.strictEqual(o0.hasOwnProperty('O1'), true, 'has shared properties from first object as own');
assert.strictEqual(o0.hasOwnProperty('O2'), false, 'does not own properties from the second object');
assert.strictEqual(o0.hasOwnProperty('O3'), false, 'does not own properties from the third object');

More details in test/mixin.js test file.


mixly.append(object[, object[, ...object]])

Aliases: mixly/append, mixly/flat

Appends objects' properties (shallow copy) into the first object.

var append = require('mixly/append');

var o1 = { O1: true, commonThing: 'o1' }
  , o2 = { O2: true, commonThing: 'o2' }
  , o3 = { O3: true, commonThing: 'o3' }

// o1 + o2 + o3
var oX = append(o1, o2, o3);

assert.strictEqual(oX, o1, 'first argument was modified');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O1, true, 'kept properties from the first object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O2, true, 'obtained properties from the second object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O3, true, 'obtained properties from the third object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.commonThing, 'o3', 'last object in the list overrides shared properties');

More details in test/append.js test file.


mixly.chain(object[, object[, ...object]])

Aliases: mixly/chain, mixly/proto

Modifies prototype chain for the provided objects, based on the order of the arguments.

var chain = require('mixly/chain');

var o1 = { O1: true, commonThing: 'o1' }
  , o2 = { O2: true, commonThing: 'o2' }
  , o3 = { O3: true, commonThing: 'o3' }

// o1 -> o2 -> o3
mixly.chain(o1, o2, o3);

assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o1), o2, 'Object `o1` has prototype set to object `o2`');
assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o2), o3, 'Object `o2` has prototype set to object `o3`');

assert.strictEqual(o1.O1, true, 'kept properties from the first object');
assert.strictEqual(o1.O2, true, 'has access to the properties of the second object');
assert.strictEqual(o1.O3, true, 'has access to the properties of the third object');
assert.strictEqual(o1.commonThing, 'o1', 'kept own shared properties');
assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(o1).commonThing, 'o2', 'has access to the shared properties of the second object');
assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(o1)).commonThing, 'o3', 'has access to the shared properties of the third object');

assert.strictEqual(o1.hasOwnProperty('commonThing'), true, 'kept own shared properties');
assert.strictEqual(o1.hasOwnProperty('O1'), true, 'kept own unique properties');
assert.strictEqual(o1.hasOwnProperty('O2'), false, 'does not own properties from the second object');
assert.strictEqual(o1.hasOwnProperty('O3'), false, 'does not own properties from the third object');

More details in test/chain.js test file.


mixly.copy(object, object)

Alias: mixly/copy

Copies (shallow) own properties between provided objects. Used internally by other mixly methods.

var copy = require('mixly/copy');

var o1 = { O1: true, commonThing: 'o1' }
  , o2 = { O2: true, commonThing: 'o2' }

// o1 + o2
var oX = copy(o1, o2);

assert.strictEqual(oX, o1, 'first argument was modified');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O1, true, 'kept properties from the first object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O2, true, 'obtained properties from the second object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.commonThing, 'o2', 'last object in the list overrides shared properties');

More details in test/copy.js test file.


mixly.extend(function, function)

Alias: mixly/extend

Extends target class with superclass, assigns superclass prototype as prototype of the target class and adds superclass itself as __proto__ of the target class, allowing "static" methods inheritance.

var extend = require('mixly/extend');

function F1()
  F1.super_.apply(this, arguments);
  this.p0 += 'd2';
F1.prototype.p1 = 'f1';
F1.static1 = true;

function F2()
  this.p0 = 'r2';
F2.prototype.p2 = 'f2';
F2.static2 = true;

// F1 -> F2
extend(F1, F2);

assert.strictEqual('p1' in F1.prototype, false, 'original prototype is gone');
assert.strictEqual('p2' in F1.prototype, true, 'replaced with new prototype');

assert.strictEqual(F1.static1, true, 'original static property is accessible');
assert.strictEqual(F1.static2, true, 'extended static property is accessible');

// new instance
var f1 = new F1();

assert.strictEqual(f1.p0, 'r2d2', 'constructor executes provided super constructor');

More details in test/extend.js test file.


mixly.funky(function[, function[, ...function]])

Alias: mixly/funky

Creates prototype chain from the provided functions, by (shallow) copying prototypes from each function onto respective elements in the chain.

var funky = require('mixly/funky');

function F1()
  this.super_.apply(this, arguments);
  this.f1 = true;
F1.prototype.f1p = true;

function F2()
  // this.super_ is reference to itself
  // we're in the f0 context
  // don't call super_.super_
  this.f2 = true;
F2.prototype.f2p = true;

function F3()
  // never gets here
  this.f3 = true;
F3.prototype.f3p = true;

// F0 -> (F1) -> (F2) -> (F3)
var F0 = mixly.clone(F1, F2, F3);
var f0 = new F0();

assert.notStrictEqual(F0.prototype, F1.prototype, 'is not exactly F1');
assert.strictEqual(F0.prototype.f1p, true, 'but close');

F0.prototype.bla = 42;
assert.strictEqual('bla' in F1.prototype, false, 'F1 stays untouched');

assert.strictEqual(f0.f1, true, 'executed F1 constructor');
assert.strictEqual(f0.f2, true, 'executed F2 constructor');
assert.strictEqual('f3' in f0, false, 'skipped F3 constructor');

assert.strictEqual(f0.f1p, true, 'inherited F1 prototype properties');
assert.strictEqual(f0.f2p, true, 'inherited F2 prototype properties');
assert.strictEqual(f0.f3p, true, 'inherited F3 prototype properties');

More details in test/funky.js test file.


mixly.immutable(object[, object[, ...object]])

Alias: mixly/immutable

Creates immutable (shallow) copy of the provided objects. Similar to append, but doesn't modify any of the provided objects.

var immutable = require('mixly/immutable');

var o1 = { O1: true, commonThing: 'o1' }
  , o2 = { O2: true, commonThing: 'o2' }
  , o3 = { O3: true, commonThing: 'o3' }

// oX + o1 + o2 + o3
var oX = immutable(o1, o2, o3);

assert.notStrictEqual(oX, o1, 'first argument was not modified');

assert.strictEqual(oX.O1, true, 'kept properties from the first object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O2, true, 'obtained properties from the second object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.O3, true, 'obtained properties from the third object');
assert.strictEqual(oX.commonThing, 'o3', 'last object in the list overrides shared properties');

More details in test/immutable.js test file.


mixly.inherit(function, function)

Alias: mixly/inherit

Assigns prototype from the superclass to the target class, compatible with node's builtin version (util.inherit), but browser-friendly (without browserify magic, i.e. works with other packagers).

var inherit = require('mixly/inherit');

function Child() { Parent.call(this); }
function Parent() {}

// Child -> Parent
inherit(Child, Parent);

// create instance
var child = new Child();

assert.strictEqual(child.constructor.super_, Parent, 'child has reference to the Parent constructor');
assert.strictEqual(Object.getPrototypeOf(Object.getPrototypeOf(child)), Parent.prototype, 'child has Parent in the prototype chain');
assert.strictEqual(child instanceof Child, true, 'child instance of Child');
assert.strictEqual(child instanceof Parent, true, 'child instance of Parent');

More details in test/inherit.js test file.


Mixly is released under the MIT license.