
MagicMirror module that displays temperature from a remote sensor.

MIT License



This is a module for the MagicMirror² to display temperature and humidity values from a remote sensor that is capable to POST the measured values through HTTP protocol. It is designed to be generic and tested to work together with the open-source SolarTherm sensor hardware.


By default this module displays the measured temperature, humidity, an icon and the time of the last update:

If the sensor sends battery level data, it can be displayed in the second line:

If the sensor does not send humidity data, then only the temperature is displayed:

You can configure the module to display a custom icon:

If you wish, you can completely remove the icon:

You can also hide the second line:

This module is capable to display only a single temperature value. If you would like to see the value of more sensors on your mirror, add this module multiple times.

For updates, please check the CHANGELOG.

Using the module

To use this module follow these steps:

  1. Switch to the modules folder of your MagicMirror
cd ~/MagicMirror/modules/
  1. Clone this repository to the modules folder
git clone
  1. Switch to the MMM-RemoteTemperature folder
cd ./MMM-RemoteTemperature/
  1. Install the 3rd party dependencies
npm install
  1. Add the following configuration block to the modules array in the config/config.js file:
var config = {
  modules: [
      module: 'MMM-RemoteTemperature',
      position: 'top_right',
      config: {
        sensorId: '1',
        icon: 'home',
        showMore: true


For security reasons the MagicMirror is not reachable externally, which also means that it does not accept data from external sources. Make sure you configure the ipWhitelist setting in the config.js file (see these lines in the sample config) correctly, so the remote sensor can communicate with your mirror.

Configuration options

Option Description
sensorId REQUIRED An arbitrary value that determines from which sensor this module accepts updates. It can also be used as an API key to restrict access to your mirror. Type: string Default value: null (must be configured)
icon Optional Name of a FontAwesome icon that is displayed before the temperature value. For example set to 'home' to indicate that the mirror displays an indoor value or 'car' if you show the temperature your car enjoys in the garage. You can set it to null to not display any symbol. Type: string Default value: 'home'
showMore Optional Determines whether a second line with additional data (e.g. timestamp of the last data update and battery level) should be displayed on the mirror. Type: boolean Default value: true

How it works

This module creates a new HTTP endpoint on the mirror's webserver, which handles HTTP POST requests sent by the remote sensors. The HTTP request must contain the temperature data measured by the sensor and the unique identifier you assigned to the sensor. The module displays the measured value only if the configured sensorId matches the value received in the request.

It is up to the sensor to define how often it updates the measured data, the mirror will display the last received value.

Sensor requirements and communication

This module can work with any temperature sensor that is capable to periodically send HTTP POST requests with the following standard JSON body to the http://<your mirror's IP>:8080/remote-temperature endpoint:

  "temp": 27,
  "humidity": 30.4,
  "battery": 100,
  "sensorId": "1"

The temp property value is optional, must be a number, and must contain the measured temperature. It will be displayed on the mirror as is, without any conversion, appended by the ° symbol.

The humidity property value is optional, but if specified, it must be a number, and must contain the measured humidity represented in percentage. It will be displayed on the mirror as is, without any conversion, appended by the % symbol.

The battery property value is optional, but if specified, it must be a number, and must contain the measured battery load represented in percentage. It will be displayed on the mirror as is, without any conversion, appended by the % symbol.

The sensorId property must be a string, and can contain any value, but it is important that it must match the sensorId specified for the module in the configuration. It is used to determine which module should display the value, if the module is added multiple times to the mirror. It can also be used as an API key to ensure that only authorized sensors can update the mirror.

Make sure that your sensor properly sets the Content-Type header in the HTTP request to application/json, otherwise the module will not be able to parse the request body.

Recommended hardware

The recommended and tested hardware sensor for this module is SolarTherm. Both the hardware and the software of SolarTherm is open-source, and can be built as a DIY project. SolarTherm has built-in support for this MMM-RemoteTemperature module, and can push measured data also to other popular services, like Blynk and ThingSpeak.


Currently this module supports English (en) and Hungarian (hu) languages. The language can be specified in the global language setting in the config.js file.

Want to see more languages? Please contribute!


The module includes CSS classes for each of the elements in the display allowing you to have a high level of control over the appearance of the module. The classes are:

  • symbol: icon (if used)
  • temp: temperature value (if used)
  • humidity: humidity value (if used)
  • battery: battery load value (if used)
  • time: last data update time (if used)

If you want to adjust the size of various elements, one option is to use the zoom property. This allows you to enlarge/reduce multiple elements at the same time. For example, the following would reduce everything in the module by 75%:

.MMM-RemoteTemperature {
  zoom: 0.75;

By using the ::after selector you can also move elements onto separate lines. For example, the following would put the humidity on a separate line below the temperature:

.MMM-RemoteTemperature .temp::after {
  content: "\a";
  white-space: pre;

NB: the timestamp is pushed down onto a separate line by default

Putting all of these formatting elements together, you can make a very compact layout if you want to stack the output from multiple sensors. For example:

.MMM-RemoteTemperature {
  zoom: 0.75;
  line-height: 1em;
  margin-bottom: 10px;

.MMM-RemoteTemperature .symbol,
.MMM-RemoteTemperature .humidity,
.MMM-RemoteTemperature .time {
  zoom: 0.75;

.MMM-RemoteTemperature .temp::after {
  content: "\a";
  white-space: pre;

creates this:


If you would like to contribute to the codebase, please use the preconfigured linters to analyze the source code before sending a pull request. To run the linters follow these steps:

  1. Install developer dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run all linters:
npm run lint

Got feedback?

Your feedback is more than welcome, please send your suggestions, feature requests or bug reports as Github issues.


Many thanks to Michael Teeuw for creating and maintaining the MagicMirror² project fully open source.

About the author

This project is created and maintained by György Balássy.