Modest Blog

This is a Next.js template for a twitter-like micro-blogging website.

Demo | Blog Post


This template is designed to be hosted easily on Vercel and AWS.

  1. Go to AWS and log in or create a new account.

  2. Create a new IAM role with programmatic access and the permission policies AmazonDynamoDBFullAccess and AmazonS3FullAccess

  3. Add the ACCESS_KEY and SECRET_KEY to the environment variables

  4. Add your AWS region to the env variables as REGION

  5. Head to AWS DynamoDB and create a new database with the Partition key id (String) and a Sort key createdAt (Number) and add the table name as environment variable TABLE_NAME

  6. Create a new S3 Bucket on AWS, make it public and enable ACLs.

  7. Add the S3 Bucket name as S3_BUCKET to the env variables.

  8. Define the variables NEXTAUTH_URL (your domain eg. http://localhost:3000 for local testing) and NEXTAUTH_SECRET - more info about this in the next-auth library.

  9. Add your admin account to the env variables with ADMIN_USERNAME=admin and ADMIN_PASSWORD=some-password.

  10. Install dependencies with npm i and run the app with npm run dev

  11. Use following URL to log into your admin account: http://localhost:3000/api/auth/signin



created by Vincent Will