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An isomorphic fetch utility with first class support for mocking API responses.


// configure it once
import { init } from 'mofetch';

const mocker = init({
  baseUrl: 'http://localhost:3000',
  mockFetch: true,

mocker.get('/api/users', function handler() {
  return {
    status: 200,
    data: [{
      id: 1,
      name: 'Mocked User 1',

// use the fetch util in any file
import { fetch } from 'mofetch';
const res = await fetch('/api/users');
const users = await res.json(); // array of users

How you benefit

  1. Instead of waiting on the backend APIs to be ready mock the unfinished APIs and continue building the frontend.
  2. If backend api doesn't work locally mock the API and implement basic logic to handle request response.
  3. Write better integration tests by mocking fetch calls.
  4. Run frontend apps on platforms like CodeSandbox without any need for API.
  5. Simulate race-conditions by changing response delay of individual APIs.

Installation Instructions

  1. Install mofetch and it's peer dependency node-fetch.
npm install node-fetch mofetch
  1. You can copy the basic configuration from any of the examples.

Note- You need to provide baseUrl because node-fetch uses absolute urls so we'll call http://localhost:3000/api/todos if you set baseUrl to http://localhost:3000.

How it works

mofetch is by default an isomorphic fetch library so you can use it on server and browser both. But when you enable mockFetch: true the fetch function will first check if the url is assigned a mock handler. Based on the handler fetch function returns the data.

Note- If there is no match for API in the mock, fetch will fallback to calling the real API.

More usecases.

In-Memory DB.

  • If a POST call adds an item to an array, you can simulate the same by making an in-memory array. Each API mutates the array and returns the mutated array.

API response delay

  • By default a delay of 400ms is put in API response in development mode (0ms in tests). You can increase the delay by either globally setting the delay.
  // other options,
  delay: 800,

or setting it per API mock.

    status: 200,
    data: todos,
    delay: 1000,