
Protect services



This repo demonstrates how to use JWT token to protect service actions. It contains a ServiceGuard middleware and a guard service which implement this feature.


  1. Generate JWT token for every service. Use the call guard.generate --service myService command in REPL to generate a JWT for a service. The received token put into authToken property in service schema:

    module.exports = {
        name: "users",
        authToken: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJzZXJ2aWNlIjoidXNlcnMiLCJpYXQiOjE1NDE4NTU0ODl9.td1P27_xpFv1P5_j0HLtMwyz-aRF9xQqjLHYIIHcKPE",

    In production you had better place it into environment variables like USERS_AUTH_TOKEN and use authToken: process.env.USERS_AUTH_TOKEN in schema

  2. Define restriction in action definition. If restricted property is null or not defined it means the action can be called from every service.

    actions: {
        create: {
            // It can be called by "api" service
            restricted: [
            handler(ctx) {}
        list: {
            // It can be called by everyone.
            restricted: null,
            handler(ctx) {}
        posts: {
            // It can be called by "api" & "posts" service.
            restricted: [
            handler(ctx) {}
  3. Add ServiceGuard middleware to moleculer.config.js

    module.exports = {
        logger: true,
        logLevel: "info",
        middlewares: [


Try the following command in REPL:

  • call users.create - throw error because it is called directly, not from the api service

  • call users.list - returns "OK" because it is not restricted

  • call users.posts - throw error because it is called directly, not from api or posts service

  • call posts.createUser - throw error because it is called from posts service and not from api service

  • call posts.userPosts - returns "OK" because it is called from posts service.

  • open http://localhost:3000/api/users/create in the browser - returns "OK" because it is called from the api service.


# Install dependencies
npm install

# Start with REPL
npm run dev