
Monorepo + TypeScript + CRA + Storybook + jest + eslint


Monorepo Multipackages - TypeScript





yarn start:cra
yarn start:storybook


yarn compile
yarn compile:watch
yarn lint
yarn test
yarn build:cra
yarn build:storybook



This is entirely managed by Yarn Workspaces built-in functionalities. There are 2 types of workspaces:

  • apps/*: is hosting deployable web apps (CRA, Next.js, Gatsby, Storybook, ...)
  • packages/*: is hosting buildable, sharable and publishable packages (TypeScript -> es5)


To detect issues as soon as possible, 2 specific tools have been added:

  • husky is hooking git actions to specific tasks (commit -> lint, push -> test)
  • lint-staged is hooking specific tasks based on the files currently staged


Both the packages and app(s) are using .ts/.tsx files but their output is generated differently.

  • CRA: react-scripts is in charge of compiling the files
  • packages: TypeScript built-in compiler is directly used to compile the file. It's being wrapped by TTypescript to be able to apply transformations, such as converting absolute imports into relative ones.

TypeScript references is used to compile all the packages at once. It's entrypoint is packages/tsconfig.ref.json. Each package has 2 tsconfig files:

  • <MY-PACKAGE>/ this is used to generated the build (es5 + source map + types)
  • <MY-PACKAGE>/tsconfig.json: this is used to lint/test and also for any editor supporting running a typescript server instance.
    Both file will respectively extend packages/ and packages/tsconfig.json.


Different things happen during the linting process:

  • tsc compliles without emitting an output
  • typescript-eslint lints each package, using the local tsconfig.json, checking the source code and the test files
  • prettier-check detects the files which are not following the prettier config


No surprise here, jest and testing-library are used respectively as test runner and renderer (and extending the assertions). ts-jest as been added as a plugin of Jest in order to support TypeScript.