
Mon Potager est une application permettant de simuler son potager en insérant les diverses espèces de fruits et légumes, et de savoir si les interactions seront favorables ou défavorables.

OTHER License


Mon Potager est une application permettant de simuler son potager en insérant les diverses espèces de fruits et légumes, et de savoir si les interactions seront favorables ou défavorables. Mon Potager permet également d'obtenir facilement des informations sur la façon dont un parasite peut être éliminé par des plants compagnes. L'application est actuellement accessible sur

Le tableur en ligne qui initialise la base de données est ouvert aux suggestions, rendez-vous à :

For developers

This repository gives the instructions to run the application on your local computer and start coding. The instructions are meant for Linux/Unix/MacOS operating systems. However a docker container is provided and a WindowsOS installation (not tested by the author) should in principle work too, at your own peril.

If problems and/or questions are encountered, feel free to open issues.

0. Local copy

Clone the repository and cd to the dir.

git clone
cd MonPotager

1. Installation

At this step, you may have to chose between either a blue or a red pill 💊.

With the blue pill, simply build the docker container and run the server inside the docker container.

Or chose the red pill and install the requirements (Python3, PostgreSQL, etc).

Blue pill is prefered is you want minimal conflict with your local system and just run the server. Red pill method is prefered if you plan to extensively use the application and tinker with the code. The two pills are mutually not exclusive, no overdose had ever been observed (though no statistical study had been performed).

1.a. Blue pill - Docker

A installation of Docker is required, see

In Ubuntu (>17.10) with snap pre-installed, one can simply install docker with:

sudo snap install docker

Once installed, build and run the docker container with:

sh ./ 

Once this is done, MonPotager is up and running at

To note, the local folder MonPotager is kept synced within the docker container, meaning file changes are propagated inside the docker container (and vice-versa).

1.b. Red pill - Installation on debian

Install the dependencies:

sudo apt install -qq -y python3 python3-dev python3-pip postgresql postgresql-client postgresql-contrib libpq-dev

Install python3 packages

pip3 install --user -r requirements.txt

Create role and database in PostgreSQL

sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE USER monpotager_user WITH CREATEDB PASSWORD 'password';"
sudo -u postgres psql --command "CREATE DATABASE monpotager_db OWNER monpotager_user;"

Define environnment variables. These lines can an also be added to your ~/.bashrc if your want them to be loaded at startup.

export APP_SETTINGS="config.DevelopmentConfig"
export DATABASE_URL="postgresql://monpotager_user:password@localhost/monpotager_db"
export SEED_PATH="/seed_path_reset_all_db"
export SECRET_KEY_BASE="af686cd78d5d56cd7af6"

Migrate database and seed

python3 db upgrade
python3 -c 'import app; app.reset_db()'

Run server


Once this is done, MonPotager is up and running at

2. Add features or debug in the python scripts

You made modifications this, or you added new features. You wish this work benefits to all (futur) users of MonPotager? Please, feel free to open a pull-request


Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0). Voir pour plus d'informations.