
Allows Classes to specify namespace ("My.Fx.Accordion") and extend "Moo.Fx.Accordion", similar to Dojo.provide/require


Mootools Namespace

Allow Class declarations to support Dojo-like packaging & namespacing. For example, My.Widget.Growl would extend My.Widget.Tips and require Moo.Core.Request.HTML:

new Namespace("My.Widget.Growl", {
    Requires: "Moo.Core.Request.HTML",
    Extends: "My.Widget.Tooltip",


Enterprise-level development, in my experience, requires organization & quality on the client-side that is normally seen on the server-side. Simply put, you would find Zend Framework namespaced in the /library/Zend/... folder and, similarly, the client-side scripts would likely be located in /public/js/my/..., where my is your company or project name.

A good example of Javascript namespacing can be found in my tutorial Making Your Own Growl Widget With Dojo.

Current Limitations

As Mootools is not yet namespaced (aside from folder structure), I've forked the Mootools Core and Mootools More repositories to clean up structure for autoloading & implement namespacing. For example, Fx.Tween becomes Moo.Core.Fx.Tween. Element.tween continues to work, as well as new Fx.Tween.

Remember, this grew out of the need for namespacing within existing enterprise-level code, not for improving upon Mootools' pseudo-namespacing.

How to Use

Suppose you have a custom Growl widget that you would like on your current page...

Include Namespace.class.js

Remember, Class.Extras and Request are required for Namespace to work.

<script src="js/Namespace.class.js">

The base-path has been set to js automatically, as that is where the script is located.

(Optional) Set the base-path to your modules

    Namespace.setBasePath("My", "js/NotMine");

Either require your widget...

    // SJAX request to js/NotMine/Widget/Growl.js
    // If base-path is default, it would go to:
    //   js/My/Widget/Growl.js
    new My.Widget.Growl("Howdy There!");

...or make it a dependency for a new class...

    new Namespace("My.Login.Page", {
        Extends: "My.Widget.Growl",
        initialize: function(message) {
    new My.Login.Page("Howdy There");

Because the Extends class is in quotes, it is automatically loaded. Had it not been in quotes, the class/namespace would have to exist before-hand.

Example - Require entire library

Often in large applications, you will need a whole library in the beginning to prevent any delayed execution of events (animations, AJAX calls, etc.).

In the following example, we have an application that has a login page that may allow the user to register or login with an existing account. There may be specific animations only used in this page, custom validation for the forms and their respective templates, as well as events associated with elements on the page.

Folder Structure


HTML - index.html

<!-- Include the namespacing functionality -->
<script src="js/Moo/Namespace.js"></script>

<!-- Now, require  -->
<script src="js/My/Login/All.js"></script>

Javascript - /js/My/Login/All.js

new Namespace("My.Login.All", {
    Requires: [


See the /demos folder.