
Utility library for AngularJS/Jasmine mocks

MIT License


Mox: Mocking utility library for AngularJS apps

When it comes to unit tests, normally a lot of boilerplate code is written to set up the mocks. This library consists of some utility functions to set up mocks very fast and have total control of the scope of your tests.

Full documentation guide is under development. Until it is finished, this readme will get you started. Check out this example project to see how easy Mox is integrated into your project.

If you have any questions or feedback, please create a Github issue.


Copy moxConfig.js to your project test folder. Put mox.js and moxConfig.js in your karma.conf.js file list, is this order:

files: [
  'bower_components/jasmine-mox-matchers/src/jasmine-mox-matchers.js' // or dist/jasmine-mox-matchers.min.js
  'bower_components/mox/dist/mox.js', // Or mox.min.js

Full usage example

The following example demonstrates all functionality in one go. Despite this might probably not reflect a real use case, it will be useful as a cheat sheet.

describe('Example of Mox', function () {

  beforeEach(function() {

        function ($provide) {
          // Custom module config function
          $provide.constant('yolo', 'swag');
        ['$routeParams', { id: 123 }]
        fooConstant: value
          name: 'yoloDirective',
          template: '<div>Custom directive template</div>',
          link: function customLinkFn() { }
      .setupResults(function () {
        return {
          fooService: {
            getBars: ['barData1', 'barData2'],
            getTranslation: function (key) {
              return key == 'fooTitle' ? 'mock title' : key;
          barFilter: 'mock filter result' // Object not allowed as return value
        { 'scripts/views/template2.html' : '<div>template2</div>' },


    it('should do something', function () {

      var FooService  = mox.inject('FooService');
      expect(FooService.getBars()).toEqual(['barData1', 'barData2']);

      var translation = FooService.getTranslation('fooTitle');






The moxConfig.js file extends the moxConfig object, which contains custom mock factory functions. If you have a FooService which you want to mock, the mock for this service usually can be created automatically. Mox does this by injecting the service and spy on its methods.

Sometimes a mock can not be derived automatically. Then you have to create a mock factory function yourself, using the createMock or createResourceMock helper function:

`FooService: mox.createMock('FooService', ['getBars'])`

You could also create a mock factory by making a custom Angular config block:

FooService: function ($provide) {
  var mock = jasmine.createSpyObj('FooService', ['getBars']);$provide, 'FooService', mock);

Mox registration methods


Inject services directly using inject('<service>'), for example:

var fooService = inject('FooService');
var services = inject('FooService', 'BarService'); // { FooService: ..., BarService: ... }

This can be used instead of using a inject wrapper such as inject(function(FooService) { }). The mox.inject function can also be used to get mocked services but it is prefered to use mox.get.FooService.


Sets up the module, just like module() does. Pass module names, config functions or objects. The passed arguments are executed when run() is called.

Returns the Mox instance to make chaining possible.

mox.module('foo', function ($provide) {
  $provide.constant('foo', 'bar');


Registers services to be mocked. This can be an Angular factory, service and/or filter. The mocked service will be a spy object with spies for every method in the original service, unless there is a factory function defined in the moxConfig.js file. This function tries create a resource mock or normal mock depending on the mock name prefix (Filter or Resource). The following mocks are created:

  • when mock factory exists in moxConfig.js: jasmine spy object with spy methods as defined in mock (factory function is executed)
  • when service is a function: jasmine spy
  • when service is a Resource: the original service with spy methods get, query, save, remove, delete, bind,
    $get, $query, $save, $remove, $delete, $bind
  • otherwise the original service with its methods spied upon

One service:


Multiple services:


When there is a mock factory defined, you could pass some arguments additional to $provide to this mock factory.

This can of course be combined with other mocks.

// moxConfig
$routeParams: function ($provide, params) {
  params = params || {};$provide, '$routeParams', params);
  return params;

// Spec
  ['$routeParams', { id: 123 }],

Returns the Mox instance to make chaining possible.


Register constants to be mocked and define their value. These mocks can be injected in a config function immediately. Pass a name and value as parameters for one constant, or an object with definitions for multiple constants.

One constant:

mox.mockConstant('FooConstant', 'value')

Multiple constants:

  FooConstant: value,
  BarConstant: anotherValue


Register directive(s) to be mocked. The mock will be an empty directive with the same isolate scope as the original directive, so the isolate scope of the directive can be tested:

compiledElement.find('[directive-name]').toContainIsolateScope({ key: value });

Accepts 3 types of input:

  1. a directive name: the same as with an array, but just for one directive
  2. a directive factory object, for your own mock implementation.
  • name property is required
  • scope, priority and restrict properties are not overwritable
  1. an array of directive names (see 1) or objects (see 2)

Returns the Mox instance to make chaining possible.


"Disables" the given list of directives, not just mocking them. Accepts directive name or array with directive names to disable.

Returns the Mox instance to make chaining possible.


Registers controllers to be mocked. This is useful for view specs where the template contains an ng-controller. The view's $scope is not set by the controller anymore, but you have to set the $scope manually.


Returns the Mox instance to make chaining possible.

Executes all registered stuff so that the actual mocking is done. If you forget to call run(), nothing will be mocked. The real services will be overwritten by mocks via $provide.value, so when you inject FooService, you get the mocked service, including spies on all methods.

As bonus, the mocks are added to the mox.get object, so that you can access mocks easily in your specs without having to inject them.

Returns the result of angular.mocks.module, so that the call can passed as argument to beforeEach. So chaining is not possible after run()`.

beforeEach(function () {

Mox configuration methods


Pass an object with a configuration for the spy functions of the already registered mocks. If the value is a function, it will be set using Jasmine's and.callFake(), otherwise it uses and.returnValue

mox.setupResults(function () {
  return {
    fooService: {
      getBars: ['barData1', 'barData2'],
      getTranslation: function (key) {
        return key == 'fooTitle' ? 'mock title' : 'mock other string';
    barFilter: 'mock filter result' // Object not allowed as return value


Replaces templates with a mock template: <div>This is a mock for views/templateName.html</div> or a custom template. This is very useful when you want to mock an ng-include in your view spec. The mocked templates will be tested in a separate view spec.

Note that this method is not called in the chain that ends with run(). This is because mockTemplates needs the injector to already be initialized, which is done after calling run().

  { 'scripts/views/anotherTemplate.html': '<tr><td></td></tr>' }

Or just one template:



mox.mockTemplate({ 'scripts/views/anotherTemplate.html': '<tr><td></td></tr>' });

Static methods/properties

Registers a mock and save it to the cache. This method usually is used when defining a custom mock factory function or when manually creating a mock.$provide, 'FooService', fooServiceMock);

Returns the saved mock.


When a mock is registered, you can get the mock without injecting it.

var fooService = mox.get.FooService;

This cache is cleaned after every spec.


Call a mock factory function manually without chaining via mox. The factory functions needs to be defined in moxConfig.


Testing a $resource

Setting up a resource test normally involves a lot of boilerplate code, like injecting $httpBackend, flushing, etc. With Mox you can test a resource in 5 lines of code or less.

  .whenMethod(FooResource.query, { bar: baz })

When you test a resource that returns an object, such as get(), andRespond({}) is not necessary, since requestTest() responds with {} by default.

Utility functions

Finally this framework contains a lot of utility functions:

  • Functions to prevent injecting common stuff like $q, $controller, $compile and $rootScope in the spec
  • Functions for quick promise and resource result mocking
  • Function to prevent writing duplicated selectors (addSelectors)

Generic shortcuts for specs

  • createScope: Creates a new $rootScope child. The optional passed argument is an object. Also sets the created scope on the current spec.
  • createController(controllerName): Creates and initialized a controller.
  • getMockData(fileName): Synchronously loads the contents of a JSON file that is cached by jasmine-jquery.

Compile shortcuts

  • compileTemplate(path, $scope): Returns a compiled and linked template and digest the $scope.
  • compileHtml(html, $scope): Returns compiled and linked HTML and digest the $scope. Useful for directives.

The compiled element is appended to the document body and is removed in between each spec. When you set mox.testTemplatePath, a the specified template is appended to the body first and the compiled element is appended to the element which can be found using the CSS selector in mox.testTemplateAppendSelector.

When no scope is provided, it tries to use this.$scope which is set by createScope(). The compiled element is set on the current spec.

Promise shortcuts

  • defer, when, all: shortcuts for $q.defer, $q.when and $q.all.
  • unresolvedPromise: returns $q.defer().promise without resolving it.
  • promise(result, dontCopy): returns a promise that resolves to result. When dontCopy is false, the result object
    will be copied before resolving.
  • resourcePromise(result): returns a promise that resolves to result. The result is 'deep' copied using
    angular.copy so that functions on the result are not lost during copying.
  • restangularPromise: returns a promise using $q.when
  • reject(message): returns a rejecting promise.
  • resourceResult(result, mock): returns a resource result with a resolving promise - { $promise: resultPromise }.
    If you provide a mock, the functions of this mock are copied to the result as $-methods.
  • rejectingResourceResult and nonResolvingResourceResult return resource results with rejecting or empty promises.


Adds helper functions to an element that simplify element selections. The selection is only performed when the generated helper functions are called, so these work properly with changing DOM elements.

Example template:

  <div id="header"></div>
  <div id="body">
    <div class="foo">Foo</div>
    <div data-test="bar">
      Bar <span class="hl">something</span>
    <div id="num-1-1">Test 1</div>
    <div id="num-2-1">Test 2</div>
    <div id="num-2-2">Test 3</div>
  <div id="footer">
    <h3>Footer <span>title</span></h3>
    <div>Footer <span>content</span></div>

Test initialisation:

var element = compileHtml(template);
addSelectors(element, {
  header: '[id="header"]',               // shorthand string notation
  body: {                                // full object notation
    selector: '#body',                   // element selector
    sub: {                               // descendant selectors
      foo: '.foo',
      bar: {
        selector: '[data-test="bar"]',
        sub: {
          highlight: '.hl'
      num: '[id="num-{0}-{1}"]'          // parameter placeholders can be used
  resultsRows: {
    repeater: 'tbody > tr',
    children: ['name', 'age', 'eyeColor']
  footer: {
    selector: '#footer',
    children: [                          // shorthand for child nodes, starting from first node
      'heading',                         // shorthand string notation
      {                                  // full object notation
        name: 'content',
        sub: {
          innerSpan: 'span'
    sub: {                               // sub and children can be mixed
      spans: 'span'                      // (as long as they don't overlap)

Test code (Jasmine-style):


expect(element.body().num(1, 1)).toExist();
expect(element.body().num(2, 1)).toExist();
expect(element.body().num(2, 2)).toExist();


