
MTXS Bookshop


MTXS Bookshop

Welcome this Multitenant CAP project using the new MTXS package. The special functionality in this project is the dynamic setting of SERVICE_REPLACEMENTS and VCAP_SERVICES based on a User Provided Service. The credentials of this UPS are retrieved from using the Cloud Foundry API.

It contains these folders and files, following our recommended project layout:

File or Folder Purpose
app/ content for UI frontends goes here
db/ your domain models and data go here
srv/ your service models and code go here
package.json project metadata and configuration this getting started guide


Before you can test this project you have to fulfill the following prerequisites:

  • The project CS1HDIA must be deployed to the Cloud Foundry provider subaccount
  • You have created a service key for the HDI Container of the CS1HDIA project. Based on this service key you have created a User Provided Service with the schema <tenant>_CS1HDIAdb in the provider subaccount.
  • The destination CFAPI based on the file CFAPI exists in the provider subaccount

Manual steps needed for Service Broker

Generate Broker Credentials

  1. Navigate into folder /broker
  2. Run command npm i in terminal
  3. Run command npm run init in terminal
  4. Store the generated credentials in a safe place

Create .mtaext file

  1. Copy file cf-service-broker-template.mtaext to cf-service-broker-private.mtaext
  2. Copy the hashed broker credentials from your safe place into the cf-service-broker-private.mtaext file

Register broker

Build and deploy the MTAR as described in the next step. After the deployment you can register the broker with:

 export CF_BROKER_PASSWORD=<broker-password>
cf create-service-broker mtxs-bookshop-broker-dev broker-user <broker-url> --space-scoped
  • The broker-url can be read from e.g. the SAP BTP cockpit by navigating to the broker application in the space where it was deployed.

Create Services & Service Keys

For an easy creation of the services build the project using mbt build and deploy it to the Cloud Foundry provider subaccount using cf deploy mta_archives/mtxs-bookshop_1.0.0.mtar. Then create the service keys using the following commands:

cf csk mtxs-bookshop-db mtxs-bookshop-db-key
cf csk mtxs-bookshop-destination mtxs-bookshop-destination-key
cf csk mtxs-bookshop-uaa mtxs-bookshop-uaa-key
cf csk mtxs-bookshop-workzone mtxs-bookshop-workzone-key
cf csk mtxs-bookshop-repo-runtime mtxs-bookshop-repo-runtime-key
cf csk mtxs-bookshop-credstore-dev mtxs-bookshop-credstore-dev-key

Bind the CAP App to the service

cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-db
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-destination
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-connectivity
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-uaa
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-workzone
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-repo-runtime
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-credstore-dev
cds bind -2 mtxs-bookshop-theming

Run local with dynamic binding

To try with the central service create a default-env.json and point it to the port where bookshop-demo is running.

  "destinations": [
      "name": "CatalogService",
      "url": "http://localhost:4003"

To run with mocked authentication also in hybrid mode you have to remove the line

"kind": "xsuaa",

from the .cdsrc-private.json file.

When running with cds watch --profile hybrid the deployment of tenant containers fail. So please use:

npm run start:hybrid

Test deployed app

Create a consumer subaccount, go to the Service Marketplace and create a subscription for the app mtxs-bookshop. When you run cf logs mtxs-bookshop-srv in parallel you should see a successful subscription when the UPS <subscribedSubdomain>_CS1HDIAdb was existing in the provider subaccount.