

A sample app

This application demonstrates the power of GitHub and Azure DevOps, running in harmony.

Technologies used

  • GitHub repos
  • GitHub Pull Requests
  • GitHub web UI for editing files
  • Visual Studio Code
  • Azure DevOps Boards
  • Azure DevOps Pipelines
  • Azure Web Apps


How to generate a release

  1. Make your changes in a branch and open a PR with master as the base branch
  2. stage those changes by opening a PR between your working branch and staging
  3. when you’re ready to add that commit to a release, merge the PR into staging.
  4. the action will automatically run and either open a release PR with all the PRs and commits that have been merged in staging and that area currently open against master.

Thanks to

  • Pavan Ravipati
  • Bas Peters
  • Alain Helaili
  • Pierluigi Cau