
Allows any group of dom elements to be navigated with the keyboard arrows


Jquery Navigate

Navigate is a small jquery plugin which enables keyboard navigation on the dom elements of your choice with the keys of your choice.


simple usage

Just call the navigate() function on any selector in jquery to enable navigation using the arrow keys by default




The plugin accepts several options,

  • mouse (Boolean) - Whether to allow mouse interaction
  • activeClass (String) - The css class that should be added to the currently selected item
  • keys (Object) - An object mapping key names to keycodes, in the following example the keys are mapped to W,A,S,D instead of the default arrow keys
  • onSelect - A function called when an element is selected either via mouse or keyboard
  • onFocus - A function called when an element receives focus

Example 1

      mouse: true,
      activeClass: 'current'

Example 2

      keys: {
        up: 87,
        down: 65,
        left: 83,
        right: 68,
        select: 13

Example 3

      onSelect: function(){
        // access to 'this'
        alert($(this).text() + ' selected!');
      onFocus: function(){
        // access to 'this'
        alert($(this).text() + ' received focus');


In the event that you need to remove the keyboard navigation you can do so cleanly by passing 'destroy' as the first argument to the plugin




Releases are available for download from GitHub.

Development: jquery.navigate.js

Production: jquery.navigate.min.js