
Squishes an image to NES palette limitations



Squishes an image to NES palette limitations.

This library makes a reasonable effort to come up with a decent NES palette for an image and apply it. The palette sliced up into 4-color subpalettes, each of which shares a common "background" color. THe image is divided into 8x8 tiles, each of which can be assigned a different subpalette.


nesify --srcUrl="http://whatever"
nesify --srcFile="~/Downloads/cool.jpg" --customPalette="0f0116360f0f1a30"

This tool is useful for creating and previewing palettes.


  • More complete
  • Add pre-dither level filtering
  • A real demo page? Heh.
  • Impose a limit to the number of distinct tiles that the image can have, and do some clever "best fit" logic to share tiles and do palette swapping.