
An addon to replace the new tab (and/or home tab) page with some experimental content.



Grunt tasks

  • grunt version
    • gets the current version of the plugin
  • grunt clean
    • cleans up the working directory by deleting files like newtab.xpi
  • grunt clean:remote
    • deletes all newtab related files from the remote server
  • grunt run:arg0:arg1:…:argn
    • runs the the mozilla sdk cfx run command with all of the arguments specified
    • examples: grunt run or grunt run:--force-mobile
  • grunt xpi:arg0:arg1:…:argn
    • runs the the mozilla sdk cfx xpi command with all of the arguments specified and puts the xpi in the project's main directory
    • example: grunt xpi:--strip-sdk:--force-mobile
  • grunt push
    • pushs just prototype to the mozilla people server (does not push the .xpi)
  • grunt release
    • this will generate the xpi file and upload it to the remote server, call grunt push, and push to the central git repo
    • this will not make a git tag or update the package.json version numbers
  • grunt release:major
    • this will increment the version number to the next whole number, make a git tag, update the package.json version numbers, generate the xpi file and upload it to the remote server, call grunt push, and push all code to the central git repo
    • for instance: 1 → 2, 1.5 → 2
  • grunt release:minor
    • this will bump up the version number to the next 1/100 , make a git tag, update the package.json version numbers, generate the xpi file and upload it to the remote server, call grunt push, and push all code to the central git repo
    • for instance: 1 → 1.01, 1.61 → 1.62, 1.5 → 1.51 1.99 → 2
  • grunt release:x
    • this will set the version number to x , make a git tag, update the package.json version numbers, generate the xpi file and upload it to the remote server, call grunt push, and push all code to the central git repo
    • example: grunt release:2.3


This contains all of your settings for running and deploying the addon. The expected format is as follows:

	"host": "",
	"username": "jsmith",
	"path": "/home/jsmith/public_html/newtab/",
	"privateKey": "../secrets/id_rsa",
	"passphrase": "hunter2",
	"base_url": "",
	"binary": "/Applications/"

"binary" is firefox binary to run the addon with and is not required.

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