
The Movie Details App provides users with a platform to discover comprehensive information about movies and web series. From basic details like titles and release dates to in-depth information about cast, crew, and plot summaries, this app aims to be a one-stop destination for cinephiles.


Movie Details App

A web application for exploring details about movies and web series.

Table of Contents


The Movie Details App provides users with a platform to discover comprehensive information about movies and web series. From basic details like titles and release dates to in-depth information about cast, crew, and plot summaries, this app aims to be a one-stop destination for cinephiles.


  • Search and explore a vast database of movies and web series.
  • Access detailed information about each title, including cast, crew, and plot.
  • Stay updated with release dates and upcoming releases.
  • User-friendly interface for an engaging and seamless experience.

Technologies Used

  • HTML
  • CSS
  • JavaScript
  • React.js
  • Next.js
  • Chakra UI
  • Vercel

Getting Started

  1. Clone the repository:

    git clone
  2. Install dependencies:

    npm install
  3. Run the application:

    npm run dev
  • This will launch the application on Localhost


Check out the live demo of the Movie Details App here.



The navigation bar is available on all pages and includes the following attributes:

  • Home: Navigate to the home page.
  • Signup: Register for a new account.
  • Login: Log in to your account.
  • User Details: View and manage user-specific information.
  • Logout: Log out of your account.

User Authentication

  • To access the home page, users need to sign up and then log in using their credentials.
  • Once logged in, the navbar will display the User Details attribute, allowing users to view and manage their account information.
  • Users can log out at any time to end their session.

Search Functionality

  • Users can search for any movie or series they want using the search bar on the home page.
  • The search results will be displayed, showing relevant titles and brief information.

Details Page

  • Clicking on each search result will take users to a dedicated details page for that movie or series.
  • The details page will provide in-depth information about the selected title, including cast, crew, plot, and more.