
A collection of scripts to build static route data (schedules, stop locations) one time to minimise live requests to nextbus


Nextbus Static Transformer

(See: Coverage )

  1. Introduction
  2. Initialisation
  3. Functions
  4. Known Issues (Why coverage sucks and more)


This is broken off from a portion of a coding challenge I received where there were issues with the Nextbus API that I felt could be resolved by caching a minified form of all static requests prior to deployment.

The basic goal is to generate a selection of tools which will perform requests to Nextbus and build new data models from them to refer to for either offline use or to reduce the size of requests required. These will deal with what is generally fixed data relating to routes, stops and (potentially) schedules.


The script file located at scripts/saveAllRoutes.js contains code which (assuming API requests are adequately divided time wise) will generate condensed json files of route and stop data with GeoJSONS for both too. (WARNING: due to restrictions on Nextbus's API, there are significant timeouts contained within this script so it will take ~15 minutes to fully run)

Test requirements are initialised using the setupTests.js script, which is ran in advance and obfuscates real data into testFile.json so tests can run without needing to deal with an api. As there is inconsistency with the formats used across various services, I've tried to update these constantly to catch outliers.



Pretty straightforward set of axios requests to the necessary Nextbus JSON endpoints. I found the Nextbus documentation needlessly convoluted (to my knowledge it doesn't even mention the JSON endpoint)

Common parameters are:

  • agency refers to the agency tag value, which corresponds wth the one from getAgencies
  • route the route tag value, as gotten via getRouteTags

Responses will be in json but are written in a JavaScript object format here to increase readability.

getAgencies() -> Object

Calls, returns an object in the following format

  agency: [
        title: 'Title',
        regionTitle: 'Region of agency',
        tag: 'e.g. MTA'
  copyright:  'Agency copyright info'

getRoutesTags(agency) -> Object

Calls${agency} to get list of an agencies routes.

Returned object should resemble:

  route: [
        title: 'J Line',
        tag: 'J',
  copyright:  'Agency copyright info'

getRoute(agency, route) -> Object

Calls${agency}&route=${route} to get list of an agencies routes.

Response should be in a format of:

  route: {
    latMax: 'coordinate',
    latMin: 'coordinate',
    lonMax: 'coordinate',
    lonMin: 'coordinate',
    title: 'title of route',
    tag: 'tag',
    color: 'associated color with route on maps',
    oppositeColor: 'secondary color',
    direction: [ // data regarding various route formats, usually just inbound and outbount
        stop: [
            tag: 'associated stops tag'
        title: 'e.g. "inbound to embarcadero"',
        useForUI: 'let me know if you know what this is',
        tag: 'internal ID for route direction',
        name: 'usually just "Inbound" or "Outbound"',
        path: [ // a series of line points which outline the whole route
            point: [
                lat: 'coordinate',
                lon: 'coordinate',

getRouteSchedule(agency, route) -> Object

Fetches most recent schedule data from API, currently not fully put to its uses in this library.

  route: [
      serviceClass: 'wkd', // e.g. is this the weekday schedule
      title: 'route title',
      direction: 'e.g. Outbond',
      header: {//expanded details on stops for use with TR
        stop: {
          content: 'stop name',
          tag: 'stop tag'
      tr: [ //runs through route broken down
          stop: [ // stops on route with estimated times
              content: '05:50:12', // the start time is usually around 04:30, by the way
              tag: 'bus stop\'s associated tag',
              epochTime: '12345', // timestamp
          blockId: 'tag' // tag for this particular circle of the route
      scheduleClass: '2018Spring', // rough date of how new the data is
  copyright: 'agency copyright info'


default(routeData, routeAggregator, stopAggregator) -> Object

  • routeData: the data for a given route in the API format
  • stopAggregator: An object which pulls data regarding stops from route data to allow quick access to route information
  • routeAggregator: Largely just strips the convoluted and inconsistent hierarchy from the existing responses, resulting in a drastically smaller file with almost all the same data

This is to be used in a reducer function, ideally, accumlating the aggregated results as it iterates.

Returns an object containing the updated route and stop aggregators as attributes.


buildFeaturesShell() -> Object

Makes the shell of a FeatureCollection geoJSON object

  type: 'FeatureCollection',
  features: [],

buildRoute(route) -> Objecct

  • route: A Nextbus API response for route's details

Uses the coordiantes mentioned above to build a geoJSON of the route, by using FeatureCollection it also allows the retention of some important metadata. Response is to be one entry of a FeaturesCollection object

  type: 'Feature',
  properties: {
    title: 'J Line',
    tag: 'J',
    color: '#FFF000',
  geometry: {
    type: 'MultiLineString',
    coordinates: [
        [lat, lon],

buildStopPoint(stop) -> Object

  • stop: As there is no endpoint to get stop data, this requires the aggregated stops object from above.

Utilises geo coordinates from responses to build geojson features. As with buildRoute, the returned value is an entry for a features collection

  type: 'Feature',
  properties: {
    title: 'Stop 152',
    tag: '152',
    color: '#FFF000',
  geometry: {
    type: 'Point',
    coordinates: [
      [lat, lon],


Response Inconsistency

Due to a huge number of very repetitive outliers (unsurprising for a system which has to cater to full city lines and single track university lines), coverage is not being extensively thorough. Nextbus is inconsistent with its usage of arrays, anywhere with an array which may have a single result tends to treat the single result as an object instead of as a single entry array. As I've encounterd errors I've tried to resolve them and hopefully there shouldn't be many from here on out.

Stop tags

One major issue here for map making and such is that many if not most locations will have multiple stops (the majority may have an inbound and outbound stop). I noticed with the SF-Muni responses that these associated stops tended to have a 5 digit tag to correspond with primary 4 digit number (a prefix of 1 or 3 being added, which seemed to follow some trends). I've no clue if this was SF Muni exclusive though so I've made no use of it.

Accomodating Schedule Data

I've had means of making use of the schedule data in mind for ages but as of yet I've yet to think of an effective schema to use or way to have it as an option that doesn't severely bloat the project both in terms of size and convoluted functions. That the aggregator aggregates the stops regardless of whether you actually want them annoys me enough already.