
Angular module that leverages the giphy API to use it on angular applications

MIT License



An angular module that leverages the giphy API to use it on angular applications


  1. Install ng-giphy from bower, npm or import script manually

    $ bower install ng-giphy --save
    $ npm install ng-giphy --save
  2. Include the supplied JS file. Skip if you use Commonjs modules

    <!-- Bower -->
    <script type='text/javascript' src='bower_components/ng-giphy/dist/ng-giphy.min.js'></script>
    <!-- npm -->
    <script type='text/javascript' src='node_modules/ng-giphy/dist/ng-giphy.min.js'></script>
  3. Add ng-giphy dependency to your app

    angular.module('myApp', ['ng-giphy'])

    If you use Commonjs modules:

    var ngGiphy = require('ng-giphy');
    angular.module('myApp', [ngGiphy])


The Giphy API is open to the public. They have instituted a public beta key system to let anyone try it out. The API key is required for all endpoints. In this module, for test purposes we use the public beta key: "dc6zaTOxFJmzC”. Please use this key while you develop your application and experiment with your integrations. To request a production key or get more information please visit this link.

If you are using a production key use the ng-giphy config provider to set it up:

angular.module('myApp', ['ng-giphy'])

runConfig.$inject = ['giphyConfigProvider'];
function runConfig(giphyConfigProvider) {
  // set your private key here


  1. Add giphy dependency injection into your controller, service etc.

    MyController.$inject = ['giphy'];
    function MyController(giphy){
      // use giphy service
  2. Use one of the methods described below

    Method Arguments Returns
    find tags, limit, offset, rating Gif Collection
    findUrl tags, limit, offset, rating Gif url's Collection
    findById id Gif
    findUrlById id Gif url
    findRandom tags Gif
    findRandomUrl tags Gif url
    findTrending limit, offset, rating Gif Collection
    findTrendingUrl limit, offset Gif url's Collection
Usage example:
// tags: cat, funny
// limit: 3
// offset: 1
giphy.find(['cat', 'funny'], 3, 1).then(function(gifs) {
  // do something with gif collection

// tags: cat
// limit: 25 (Default)
// offset: 0 (Default)
giphy.findUrl('cat').then(function(gifsUrl) {
  // do something with gifs url collection


Name Description Attributes
giphy-find Gif by tag/s giphy-tag
giphy-find-id Gif by id giphy-id
giphy-rand Random Gif by tag/s giphy-tag
Usage example
<giphy-find g-tag='["person", "funny"]'></giphy-find>
<giphy-id g-id='"qTpK7CsOq6T84"'></giphy-id>
<giphy-rand g-tag='["meme"]'></giphy-rand>