
The generated output from generator-ng2-webpack


Demo Docker Workflow for generator-ng2-webpack

A Docker based workflow is a little different from the typical npm install followed by npm start routine. There is no local node_modules folder and all npm modules used are global modules (for more info see sample docker workflow ).


  • Open a terminal
  • npm install -g docker-run which adds support for running docker from npm
  • npm run docker-start from a terminal or use the npm tool window
  • Once processing completes, open a browser window at http://localhost:2368
  • Make some changes in ng2-webpack-demo-app/src/app/components/home/template.html
  • Observe that your changes are reflected in the browser without having to refresh

Use npm to run sub-generators. For a complete list of available commands and to add tab auto-completion, run the following commands in a terminal:

$ npm completion >> ~/.bashrc
$ source ~/.bashrc
$ npm run <tab><tab>

which will produce the following output

build                 docker-open-terminal  e2e-live              new-service           watch
ci                    docker-server         lint                  postinstall           webdriver-start
clean                 docker-start          new-component         server                webdriver-update
clean-install         docker-stop           new-directive         start                 
clean-start           docs                  new-interface         test                  
delayed-open          e2e                   new-pipe              test-watch    

This workflow serves as a starting point for building component based Angular 2.0/React applications using Webpack.

Quick start

# change directory to your app
$ cd my-app

# start the server
$ npm start

# if you have docker installed
$ docker-compose up

go to http://localhost:2368 in your browser.

Table of Contents

Getting Started

File Structure

 app/                            * top level web app component folder
  components/                 * subcomponents
   about/                  * example page level component folder
    index.async.ts      * .async indicates that the component will be asychronously loaded
    spec.ts             * unit test
    style.scss          * css styles, could be css, less or sass
    template.html       * component's html template
   home/                   * example main page level component
       e2e.js              * end-to-end test for home
       index.ts            * a simple synchronous component
       spec.ts             * 
       style.scss          * 
       template.html       * 
  e2e.js                      * end-to-end test for the app component
  index.ts                    * the app component
  root.spec.ts                * the main entry point for hierarchically nested tests.
  services/                   * app level service folder
   api/                    * example application level service folder
       index.ts            * example service
       spec.ts             * unit test associated with example service
  style.scss                  * application component specific styles
  template.html               * application component html template
 bootstrap.ts                    * application entry point (bootstrap)
 public/                         * static public facing resources
  img/                        * global/top level icons and images
  index.html                  * the html index page where it all starts
 shims/                          * shims an polyfills for non-compliant browsers
  shims_for_IE.js             * sample shim
 style/                          * 
  app.scss                    * styles required by the index page
 vendor.ts                       * this is where we import shims/polyfills and core third party libraries


What you need to run this app:

  • node and npm (Use NVM)

Running the app

After you have installed all dependencies you can now run the app with:

npm run docker-start

It will start a server using webpack-dev-server in a docker container which will watch, build (in-memory), and reload for you. The port will be displayed to you as http://localhost:2368.

Developing in the Docker container

  • run docker exec -it ${PWD##*/} /bin/bash in a terminal window

Build files


1. Unit Tests

  • single run: npm test
  • live mode (TDD style): npm run test-watch