
Agnostic visual regression testing service with Sauce Labs and Travis CI.

MPL-2.0 License



Agnostic visual regression testing service with Sauce Labs and Travis CI.

The world of Sherlocked:

  • Developer makes a pull request to GitHub.
  • Travis CI builds the project, invokes Sherlocked script.
  • Sherlocked script takes captures of project using Sauce Labs and uploads
    them to the API.
  • A GitHub Webhook will post the pull request summarizing the visual regression
    test build and link to a Sherlocked webpage.
  • The Sherlocked webpage will contain side-by-side capture comparisons of the
    master and the pull request branch as well display image diffs.

Sherlocked is hosted at


To use Sherlocked in your project, install the Node library, get a Sauce Labs API key, write a Sherlocked test script, and hook it into your Travis build.

npm install --save-dev sherlocked

1. Setting up Sauce Labs

You must have a Sauce Labs account and find your API key. Once you are logged in, you can find it at your SauceLabs account page like below.

Keep your API key for later.

2. Writing a Sherlocked Test Script

A Sherlocked test script adds screenshots to the case with .investigate(captureName, captureFn) where captureFn operates on a WebdriverIO client. Then the investigation begins with .begin(environmentList) where environmentList is a list of configurations of what environments we want to take captures of, in the form of Selenium's [desiredCapabilities] (


.investigate('Home Page', function(client) {
    return client

        browserName: 'firefox',
        version: '40',
        platform: 'OS X 10.9',
        browserName: 'chrome',
        platform: 'OS X 10.9',

3. Setting up Sherlocked with Travis CI

First, you will want to encrypt your Sauce Labs API key and set it as an environment variable in Travis CI. -add will automatically add it to your .travis.yml.

gem install travis
travis encrypt SAUCE_ACCESS_KEY=my-sauce-key --add
travis encrypt SAUCE_USERNAME=my-sauce-username --add

Then, you'll want to enable your Travis' sauce_connect addon to allow Travis CI to tunnel through the firewall into Sauce Labs.

  sauce_connect: true

Lastly, all you need to do is to call your Sherlocked test script from your Travis CI build.

node my-sherlocked-script.js


GET /builds/

Lists builds. Note this will not fetch related fields such as captures.

POST /builds/

Create a build. Returns 201 on success.

Parameter Description
travisId The Travis build ID, retrieved from the Travis CI environment.
travisPullRequest The pull request triggering the build, retrieved from the Travis CI environment.
travisRepoSlug The slug of the repository (owner_name/repo_name), retrieved from the TravisCI environment.

GET /builds/:travisId

Get a build.

Example response:

  "travisBranch": "newAwesomeDetectiveHat",
  "travisCommit": "01189998819991197253",
  "travisId": 221,
  "travisPullRequest": 222,
  "travisRepoSlug": "sherlocked/adlerjs",
  "masterBuild": {
    "travisBranch": "master",
  "captures": [
      "browserEnv": {
        "id": 1,
        "name": "firefox",
        "platform": "OS X 10.9",
        "version": "40",
      "captures": {
        "homepageOnMobile": {
          "diff": {
            "dimensionDifferenceHeight": 0,
            "dimensionDifferenceWidth": 0,
            "isSameDimensions": 1,
            "mismatchPercentage": null,
            "src": "https://sherlocked.paas/api/captures/diff/N239"
          "name": "homepageOnMobile",
          "sauceSessionId": "N239",
          "src": "https://sherlocked.paas/api/captures/N239"
        "homepageOnDesktop": {
          "name": "homepageOnDesktop",
          "sauceSessionId": "N221B",
          "src": "https://sherlocked.paas/N221B.png"
      "masterCaptures": {
        "homepageOnMobile": {
          "name": "homepageOnMobile",
          "sauceSessionId": "N221",
          "src": "https://sherlocked.paas/N221.png"

POST /builds/:buildId/captures/

Attach a capture to a build. Returns 201 on success.

Parameter Description
browserName Browser that the capture was created in (e.g., firefox)
browserPlatform Browser platform that the capture was created in (e.g., OS X 10.9)
browserVersion Browser version that the capture was created in (e.g., 40)
image Base64 image
name Name of the capture (e.g., homePageOnDesktop)
sauceSessionId Sauce Labs session ID, each session generates one capture.


Sherlocked consist of several moving parts: the backend API, the npm module, and the web frontend.


The backend service consisting of the API and database. Powered by Express, with Bookshelf as the ORM. Unfortunately, we have to upload and host images since Sauce Labs only takes captures containing the desktop and browser chrome whereas we want captures of the whole pages themselves.

npm install
node index.js

This will start a server on port 1077 by default. Set SHERLOCKED_PORT environment variable to configure it.

npm Module

The npm module ran by consuming projects to hook Sauce Labs, Travis CI, and the Sherlocked API together. Follow the Setup section on how to use it.

npm install --save-dev sherlocked

To let Sauce Labs through a firewall, use Sauce Connect. You download the binary, and then run it in the background with your sauce username and sauce key:

bin/sc -u my-sauce-username -k my-sauce-key

Web Frontend

The frontend client that consumes the Sherlocked API, displaying image comparisons and visual diffs. Powered by React, Gulp, and Browserify.

npm install

This will start a server on port 2118 by default.

Environment Variables

  • SHERLOCKED_API_ROOT - API root the frontend will point to
  • SHERLOCKED_CLIENT_PORT - port of the local development webserver
  • SHERLOCKED_MEDIA_ROOT - media root the frontend will pull assets from
  • NODE_ENV=production - build the project for production
    (e.g., excludes React development code)

Running Sherlocked Manually

It is possible to run Sherlocked manually on a project from the CLI. For development purposes to test the npm module, you can clone Sherlocked and run npm link from within the Sherlocked lib/ folder.

First install and run Sauce Connect. This will allow us to tunnel into Sauce Labs.

bin/sc -u my-sauce-username -k my-sauce-key -i 100

SAUCE_KEY=my-sauce-key SAUCE_USERNAME=my-sauce-username \
TRAVIS_BUILD_ID=abc TRAVIS_JOB_NUMBER=100 node ./my-sherlocked-script.js

Who is Sherlocked Investigating?

Sherlocked always has clients in need.

Are you using Sherlocked? Let us know!