
Random curated Fonts and pastel Colors for your UI/UX design, design for non-designers, poors man design.

LGPL-3.0 License



Random curated Fonts and pastel Colors for your UI/UX design, design for non-designers, poors man design. Nim package. Works OK with NodeJS.

Bulma CSS & Spectre CSS Support

Compile-Time Templates that wrap HTMLGen to spit Bulma & Spectre ready HTML. Also 1 button and 1 anchor Template tag that Auto-Disables itself on click. We use Bulma & Spectre CSS Frameworks because they are the only CSS Frameworks that do Not use JavaScript since Nim runs on the frontend makes perfect fit. For more info see &

import random_font_color
echo Table("my table")
<table class="table is-bordered is-striped is-hoverable table-striped table-hover">my table</table>


>>> import random_font_color
>>> echo get_random_handwriting_font()
>>> echo get_random_mono_font()
>>> echo get_random_display_font()
>>> echo get_random_sans_font()
>>> echo get_random_serif_font()
>>> echo get_random_font()
>>> echo get_random_pastel_color("dark")
(name: "darkgray", hexa: "#a9a9a9", rgb: [169, 169, 169], rgb_percent: [66, 66, 66])
>>> echo get_random_pastel_color("light")
(name: "lavenderblush", hexa: "#fff0f5", rgb: [255, 240, 245], rgb_percent: [100, 94, 96])
>>> echo get_random_pastel_color()
(name: "chocolate", hexa: "#d2691e", rgb: [210, 105, 30], rgb_percent: [82, 41, 11])
echo get_random_css_pattern()
  linear-gradient(transparent,transparent 10px,#fff 10px, gray 14px,#fff 15px,rgba(0, 0, 0, 0) 14px,rgba(0, 0, 0, 0)),
  linear-gradient(135deg,transparent,transparent 12px,#fff 12px,#000 15px, transparent 15px,transparent),
  radial-gradient(10px 10px,circle,#FFF 7px,transparent 9px);
background-size: 35px 30px,4px 30px,20px 30px;
background-position: 0px 8px,31px 35px,25px 10px;
background-color: #87cefa;
background-repeat: repeat-y;


node random_font_color.js

(name: "forestgreen", hexa: "#228b22", rgb: [34, 139, 34], rgb_percent: [13, 54, 13])
(name: "mintcream", hexa: "#f5fffa", rgb: [245, 255, 250], rgb_percent: [96, 100, 98])
(name: "darkslategray", hexa: "#2f4f4f", rgb: [47, 79, 79], rgb_percent: [18, 30, 30])
  • Compiled using nim js -d:nodejs random_font_color.nim.


nimble install random_font_color



Description: Get a random dark or light color as string, useful for CSS styling.. The proc does not accept char only string.


  • tone A one of "dark" or "light",
    dark for dark colors and light for light colors, string type, optional.

Returns: tuple type.

  • All other proc cant take any arguments at all, just use them directly.

Description: Get a random seamless CSS3 pattern with pastel colors as string. For quick HTML styling. This patterns have been tested on HTML/CSS with one each other, they look pretty good on all combinations, we are not Designers, but this is useful for quick templating and boilerplates styling. From and and my own.

Arguments: None.

Returns: 1 random seamless CSS3 pattern with pastel colors, string type.
