

Monorepo demos (Snowpack/Vite)

Tools used:

Run the demo

git clone <repo>
yarn # or `yarn install`

Build the UI Library

yarn ui build # build the ui library

Run the Snowpack demo

yarn app dev # run the app in dev mode

Run the UI storybook

yarn ui storybook # run the app in dev mode

Run the Vite demo

yarn vite:react dev

Important Notes

  • the ui lib is exported as ESModules (checkout the file)
  • the app is created with the create-snowpack-app react-typescript template
  • both projects are connected via yarn workspaces
  • there's an issue while running a lib like this inside snowpack that are fixed with a hack in the index.html file by adding the next code:
  global = globalThis //<- this should be enough
  • more info about the issue here and here.


  • Kudos to Kevin who is working together in a project using this setup and fix all the issues with me. thanks bro!!
  • also thanks to the Snowpack and Stitches community, the support received from those were very important for us!

Any questions please reach out in twitter!